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“Bullocks! What have you done to yourself?”

Stephen Kyle and Bernard Reynolds had been coming up

the stairs when they heard an anguished cry followed by the

sound of breaking glass. Both of them had sprinted the rest of

the way, Stephen pushing Reynolds aside and getting to the

room at the end of the hall first. Now they were standing in the

doorway, paralyzed at the sight of Josie kneeling on the floor

in a bloom of broken glass, her hand a bloody mess, and her

complexion ghostly. One pane of the door was shattered but

she still had hold of it. Reynolds reacted first. He moved

Stephen out of the way and rushed past Josie to the woman in

the rocker.

“Emily? Emily! Are you all right?”

He fussed over her but she seemed not to notice. Instead,

she looked at Josie, mildly interested and hardly concerned.

“Get that woman out of here. There’s a first aid kit in my

office, back shelf of the closet,” Reynolds ordered.

“Yes. Good idea. Come on then, Josie.” Stephen reached for


“Don’t touch me,” she growled.

“Josie, come on. Stand up. Your hand looks bloody awful. It

must hurt like hell. We don’t want to upset this lady anymore,

do we?”

He took her shoulders but she yanked away again. Again he

tried. Again she pulled back, lifting her head slowly to glare at

him. Bernard Reynolds stopped ministering to the woman,

fully aware now that there was more of a situation here than he

originally thought.

“Kyle. Move this woman away now,” he warned as he put

himself between Josie and Emily.

“And just how would you expect me to do that if she

doesn’t want to go?” Stephen snapped. “Maybe you should

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