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“I’m sorry it’s going to rain.” Josie chuckled at the onesided

conversation. Then she stopped smiling. “I’m sorry

about dad.”

“I love Ian,” Emily said.

“So I hear,” Josie sighed.

Emily lifted her face to the breeze. Her hair ruffled and she

looked beautiful. They walked down the path: a yard and then

two. Another yard. Emily paused. They went further. Her step

faltered. In the next few feet she stumbled. Josie caught her

and Emily pulled her daughter closer, tighter.

“I got you,” Josie assured her but something was wrong.

Emily was pale. Her breathing was rapid. “Are you okay?”

“Okay.” Emily repeated the word.

“Are you sick?”


Emily’s face was moist with perspiration. She trembled. Not

just her arm but her whole body. Her jaw locked. Josie took

hold of her with both hands.

“Oh, no. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. It’s too far,” Josie babbled.

“Come on. Turn around.”

Josie tried to guide her, but Emily was rooted and wouldn’t

budge. It was like she was frozen in the face of an oncoming

train, but there was nothing scary in this place; there was

nothing but trees and plants and beautiful things.

“Emily. Please come with me,” Josie pleaded. “Mom, I

don’t know what to do. Please help me.”

Frantically, Josie looked for something out of place but

concluded it had to be her. Had she said something? Done

something? Is this what had happened all those years ago?

Was it the daughter visiting some terror on the mother?

“Please–” Josie begged.

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