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Ambrose Patriota stood at the bank of microphones. Clustered

behind him were seven of his brethren waiting their turn to

address the escalating NSA scandal. There wasn’t much to say,

actually. Every government listened in on every other

government, their own people, and their own lawmakers. Like

business, government was only as successful as the leverage it

wielded against its competitors. In the grand scheme of things,

this was a tempest in a teapot fed by a malingering media who

preferred the ease of a perceived scandal to investigating a real

one. They were so easily pleased and played so Ambrose did

what he did best: he said what the public needed to hear.

“I am distressed by the administration’s lack of transparency

regarding the NSA. However, I am not surprised. We have

seen this time and time again. The administration says one

thing and does quite another. The president of Brazil has

cancelled her state visit in protest. The foreign relations

committee will make recommendations, but we cannot reverse

an administration-sanctioned program. We can only register

our protest and try to convince the president that his ways

must change.”

“Senator Patriota, if you’re elected what specifically would

you do differently?”

“Senator Patriota, can you address the ramifications for our

foreign policy?”

“Senator Patriota, congress has threatened to subpoena your

records, will that–”

Ambrose ignored all the questions and spoke to his purpose.

No one, after all, expected specifics.

“Confidence in the United States has eroded to a dangerous

point. The president says he is not to blame. The buck must

stop somewhere, and if not with him then with who? I intend

to work with the House in a cooperative manner, not only to

find out who has ordered this egregious over-stepping but how

high it goes.”

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