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“It still comes back to money for me. Who is paying for it?”

Josie flipped her pen and caught it.

“I know a lovely lady over at the Medicaid offices. She says

there is an ongoing research grant from Health and Human

Services that folds Ha Kuna House into the mix. I’ve given her

the names of the four folks under Reynolds’ care. She’s going

to see what she can find on those individuals. You know,

Medicaid payments, perhaps social security information.”

“Can we find out what the terms of the grant were?” Josie


“I doubt it’s top secret,” Stephen chuckled.

“Then I suppose we can extrapolate that Ian Francis was a

professor researching neurological problems and was possibly

covered under this grant. The government isn’t paying for a

privately held facility but granting an award to an individual.

Ian chose Ha Kuna House from which to do his research and

that makes things legal.”

“And he shared that amazing windfall with Reynolds or

whoever was here before him? I doubt it. An individual grant

wouldn’t be enough to heat the place or pay an administrator

and staff,” Stephen reminded her.

“That we know of,” Josie countered. “Anyway, lucky Ian to

get a job when he was sane and a facility at his disposal when

he went bonkers.” She tossed the pen again and it seemed to

rotate lazily before she caught it. “It would sure change things

if Ian was dealing with something viral and not psychological.

Maybe that’s why this is all so secret. Think about it, Stephen.

The guy was doing his research thing and then years later

comes down with whatever ails the subjects he’s supposed to

be studying. If that’s the case, then it makes sense that Ha

Kuna House is so remote. Do you think we should be looking

at the CDC?”

“You mean like the lepers? Wouldn’t that be quite the irony

to stumble on a new colony on Molokai? Only instead of

people losing their ears and noses, they lose their minds. I

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