Laboratory Manual for Introductory Geology 4e

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Glossary of Glacial Landforms

Erosional landforms

Landform Type of glacier Description

Arête Mountain Sharp ridge separating cirques or U-shaped valleys

Cirque Mountain Bowl-shaped depression on mountainside; site of snowfield that was

source of mountain glacier

Hanging valley Mountain Valley with mouth high above main stream valley; formed by

tributary glacier that could not erode down as deeply as larger main


Horn peak Mountain Steep, pyramid-shaped peak; erosional remnant formed by several


Sculptured bedrock Continental Asymmetric bedrock with steep side facing the direction toward

which the ice flowed; also called roche moutonnée

U-shaped valley Mountain Steep-sided valley eroded by a glacier that once filled the valley

Depositional landforms

Landform Type of glacier Description

Drumlin Continental Streamlined (elliptical), asymmetric hill composed of till; the long

axis parallels glacial direction, the gentle side faces the direction

toward which the ice flowed

Esker Continental Narrow, sinuous ridge made of outwash deposited by a subglacial

stream in a tunnel at the base of a glacier

Ground moraine Mountain and continental Sheet of till deposited by a retreating glacier

Kettle hole Mountain and continental Depression left when a block of ice that had been isolated from a

melting glacier is covered with sediment and melts

Lateral moraine Mountain Till deposited along the walls of a valley when a mountain glacier


Outwash plain Mountain and continental Outwash deposited by meltwater beyond the terminus of a glacier

Proglacial delta Continental Outwash deposited into a proglacial lake

Terminal moraine Mountain and continental Wall of till deposited when the terminus of a glacier remains in one

place for a long time

Lakes associated with glacial landscapes

Landform Type of glacier Description

Ice-marginal lake Mountain and continental Lake formed by disruption of local drainage by a glacier

Kettle lake Mountain and continental Lake filling a kettle hole

Paternoster lake Mountain One of a series of lakes filling basins in a glaciated valley

Tarn Mountain Lake occupying part of a cirque


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