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Fertilizarg<br />

-70<br />

At prerent it qpeare thet fertilizer uoe in the region dme not presant any major<br />

probbme. Ttn probhmr that can arise ete:<br />

- accumubtion of exqas! fertilizer rneteriels in freeh water or lagoon 8yltems giving rire lo<br />

algel blooms end the aventuel death of aquatic faunar and<br />

- rccumulation of toxic msterials arch a nitrate c inavy r:tsls in ground weter.<br />

Fartilizer usc in the region is rather limited with countriea like Kiribati gtd Tuvalu<br />

using lees then 5 tonnee/yr in totsl. Even countries like Papua New Guinear. Solomon lrlende<br />

anO fili wtrich use l0rs of thoueande of tone of fertilizer do so at relatively low ratss per<br />

unit land araa. Nitrate levele in ground water erppliee ere generelly low end phosphate.is<br />

etrongly absorbed by meny regionil soila. Unfortunately, there ic no information st the<br />

accuriubtion of heavy melala ln soils end ground water but it is unlikely the! levels (from<br />

fertilizer sources at least) are high enough to cause concorn.<br />

Biocidea (Peaticides, Herbicides, lnsecticidee, Fr.ngicideer Weedicidea)<br />

Since Wald War II there has been a marked rise in the rumber of meterials evaileble.<br />

Prior to 1940 mly a few tons of compounde, uaually derivetives of ersenicr eopper' lead'<br />

rnercury, erphur or cfilorine, plue a few plant extracte like nicotine urlphate rtd pyrethrumt<br />

were u'sad. Today well over 1000 products are availabb. Tfe uge of some of these has been<br />

the agbject of considereble criticism, aometimes unjr.rstified, htt it ie essential to note many<br />

problems heve arieen due to improper use of the rnaterials (Mos/bray, 1984; Thaman, I984I<br />

In the Pacific, problems with biocidee uaually eriae only in ereag,of intensive crop<br />

Broduction where the co8t8 of using these materiele cen be recouped. Demends by<br />

governnents for increased agricultural production have led and will lead to the extended uge<br />

5t biocides. Problems ueually arise an a rcsulf of TGNORANCE' CARELESSNESST<br />

i€GLIGENCE, or a combinstion of these.<br />

Unfortunately, the knowledge necessary for good biocide use cennot be gained<br />

overnight. Knowledge m:<br />

- whether or not to use biocides,<br />

- what types to aPPlYr<br />

- what rate to aPPIY'<br />

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can be gained only by experience. Information on storage, stock control end<br />

compatibility is also required.<br />

The following ere aome of the problems that do erise.<br />

l. Storagc: often biocides are collected from stores or shops in unlabelled containers<br />

brought in by farmers. This can lead to probhms especially when the materials are<br />

stored in the home as is often the case. Cmtainers are often labelled in Englishr not in<br />

the indigenous language; perhaps this should be teken up with the manufacturers or<br />

dietributors. Accidental poieoning occurs frequently. In several countries consunption of<br />

paraquat (a herbicide) is a popular nrethod of committing suicide (etenches and emetics<br />

can be added to liquid biocides to minimize this problem).<br />

2. Diryorat unwanted biocides, such as those left over when too much or the wrong type<br />

heg been ordered, are frequently difficult to diapose of sritably.<br />

t. Applicetim: frequently this must be done in a particular way with the correct<br />

equipment. Farmers often have not been educated in the correet way to use the<br />

equipment, the equipnnnt ie poorly maintained, or not enough sets are available.<br />

Protective ctothing is sometimes required and in Fiji at least one cese of death by<br />

poisoning due to absorption of Parathion through the skin hes been recorded. Many less<br />

serious caees of injury or illnees due to inappropriate 4plication<br />

rnethods occur. Only<br />

one or two countries have organized training progremmes in ryplication techniques and<br />

none heve any certification scheme.<br />


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