1 Tr - Chioglossa

1 Tr - Chioglossa

1 Tr - Chioglossa


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and size: a comparison with field observations.<br />

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Moermond, T. (1990). A functiona! approach to foraging:<br />

morphology, behavior, and the capacity to<br />

exploit. Studies in Avian Bi%gy. 13: 427-430.<br />

Moermond, T. e. e Oenslow, J. S. (1983). Fruit choice<br />

in neotropical birds: effects of fruit type and<br />

accesibility on selectivity. iouma/ of Anima/<br />

Ec%gy, 52: 407-420.<br />

Moermond, T., e Denslow, 1. (1985). Neotropical<br />

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and nutrition, with consequences for fruit<br />

selection. En P. Buckley, M. Foster, E. Morton,<br />

R. Ridgely e F. Buckley (Eds.): Neotropica/<br />

Omith%gy, Ornithol. Monogr., 35: 865-897.<br />

Moermond, T. e.; Oenslow, J. S.; Levey, O. J. e Santana<br />

e., E. (1986). The infiuence of morphology<br />

on fruit choice in neotropical birds. En A. Estrada<br />

e T. H. Fleming (Eds.): Frugivores and seed<br />

dispersa/o Or. W. Junk Publishers, Oordrecht.<br />

pp. 137-146.<br />

Moermond, T.e., Oenslow, J.S., Levey, O.J. e Santana<br />

e., E. (1987). The infiuence of context on<br />

choice behavior: fruit selection by tropical birds.<br />

En M. e. Commons, S.J., Shettleworth e A.<br />

Kacelnik (Eds.): Quantitative analysis 01 hehavior,<br />

vol. 6: Foraging, págs. 229-254. Lawrence<br />

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Pratt, T. K. eStiles, E. W. (1983). How long fruiteating<br />

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implications for seed dispersa!. American Naturalist,<br />

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Rodríguez, A. e Bermejo, T. (1995). Comportamiento<br />

de alimentación de tres especies de aves frugívoras<br />

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Santana, E. e Milligan, B. (1984). Behavior of toucanets,<br />

bellbirds, and quetzals feeding on Lauraceous<br />

fruits. Biotropica 16(2): 152-154.<br />

Santana e., E.; Moermond. T. e. e Oenslow, J. S.<br />

(1986). Fruit selection in the collared aracari<br />

(Pteraglossus torquatus) and the slaty-tailed trogon<br />

(<strong>Tr</strong>agan massena): two birds with contrasting<br />

foraging modes. Brenesia, 25-26: 279-295.<br />

Snow, O. e Snow, B. (1988). Birds and Berries.<br />

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Asier R. Larrinaga<br />

Area de Ec%xía, Facll!tade de Bioloxía<br />

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Campus Sur<br />

15706 Santiago de Compostela. A Coruiia<br />

<strong>Tr</strong>abajo originalmente presentado en el III Congreso<br />

Galego de Ornitoloxía, Oleiros (1995).

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