Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basm Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

posed if thejudge wishes, Shibibi and<br />

others said.<br />

Iraqi officials insist Saddam and the<br />

oth<strong>et</strong>s will g<strong>et</strong> fair trials. ¥ked wh<strong>et</strong>her<br />

justice inclu<strong>de</strong>s the possibility that<br />

Saddam could walk out a free man, perhaps<br />

On a legal technicality, Bayati said<br />

.ther~ was "no chance at all"<br />

"The whole world will see this,". said;<br />

Bayati, who said he was tortured in Sad:<br />

dam's prisons in the 1970s."He won't be<br />

able to walk free." (NYT; Reuters)<br />

'Recruits<br />

Hussein Malia/The Associated Press'<br />

for the Iraqi Civil Defense Corps, a support force for the new interim government, training on Thesday in Baghdad.<br />

.A cautious salute.from Arab world<br />

aJ-.:t"<br />

~~~.Iraq transfer s~en in Egypt as 'positive step on fight road'<br />

E-t. ~' By Neil MacFarquhar cial Al Abram, noted the event as ban- Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman,<br />

:g 1::' ner news but ran no commentary. It fo- called the transfer a positive step and<br />

5 .:t. CAIRO: The Arab world gave a cau- cused instead on the state of affairs in one removed from the occupation. "The<br />

= tious welcome on Thesday to the hastily the Arab-Israeli dispute, a far more im- interim government is expected to<br />

-a compl<strong>et</strong>ed transfer of authority in Iraq, portant issue to many. . provi<strong>de</strong> grounds for the restoration of<br />

c:l with governments and commentators People asked at random about the full sovereignty, the real end of the oc-<br />

~ mostly saying they hoped that this event ten<strong>de</strong>d to shrug it off, too, also be- cupation and free and timely general<br />

53 would diminish the violence, although lieving that with about 160,000 foreign elections," he said.<br />

. Ii some jeered the United States for creat- "The wrong policies of the occupiers<br />

- ing a Potemkin village. . have brought about terrible, insecure<br />

J:l .Egypt's foreign minister, Ahmed Ma- 'Iraq was not liberated conditi~ns in Iraq, and the Iraqi people<br />

her, issued a statement calling the trans-<br />

must do all they can to restore the dam-<br />

. fer "a positivestep on the rightroad, .from the grip of the age and negative effects left behind by<br />

leading to Iraqis taking control of their<br />

the occupiers," Asefi said.<br />

own affairs and total sovereignty." American occupation.' Syria,whichhas beencriticalofthein-<br />

Having the Iraqis run their own affairs<br />

is part of a process that should lead<br />

vasion, took its usual cautious approach,<br />

calling the handover a positive step that<br />

to more stability, he said in a comment troops on the ground, Iraq could hardly it hoped would lead to full sovereignty<br />

.echoed by many. . be consi<strong>de</strong>red sovereign. and an end to the Iraqis' suffering.<br />

Not a few observers mocked the u.s. "The occupation is changing its skin," There is no small concern in the refor<br />

its transfer-by-stealth, with the U.S. wrote Joseph Samaha, editor in chief of gion that Iraq might y<strong>et</strong> split into three<br />

. administrator, L. Paul Bremer 3rd, leav- the Beirut daily Al Safir. Referring to states mirroring its <strong>et</strong>hnic components.<br />

ing alone aboard a military aircraft the new U.S. ambassador.. he ad<strong>de</strong>d,' Some commentators suggested that a<br />

from the Baghdad airport that the U.S. "The influence of John Negroponte will government steered by Iraqis would be<br />

has failed to open to commercial traffic, be no less than that of Paul Bremer, even more sensitive to preventing that.<br />

,one of many promises unm<strong>et</strong> due to if they have different names." ' There was also a sense that the curconstant<br />

violence. Washington's "collision with the rent state of affairs in Iraq was the best.<br />

"In a scene bor<strong>de</strong>ring on the ridicu- reality ofIraq" forced it to act the way it option available consi<strong>de</strong>ring the tur-,<br />

lous, the United States transferred did, Samaha wrote, adding that Wash- moil since Saddam Hussein was overpower<br />

to an interim Iraqi government,'1 ington still hoped its hand-picked gov- thrown in Apri12003. .<br />

said a front-page editorial on Nah<strong>de</strong>t eniment would somehow rescue the "No one is expecting the reality on the'<br />

Misr, one of Egypt's new in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt' projecttoturnIraqintoamo<strong>de</strong>l<strong>de</strong>moc- ground to change overnight," wrote Ali<br />

dailies. "The formalities took place in racy able to influence the rest of the re- Ibrahim in the Al Sharq al-Awsat daily<br />

the atmosphere of a funeral. gion. published in London. As long as the for-<br />

"Iraq was not liberated from the grip Some, commentators and even gov- eign troops remain and the violence<br />

of the Ameritan occupation," the com- ernments said they hoped that Iraq continues, the question about how much<br />

mentary ad<strong>de</strong>d. "American troops are would not become an American stooge, the Iraqis actually control their own<br />

still spread across its land and are going that somehow the new Iraqi govern- country will linger, he wrote, saying,<br />

to stay for years to come, according' to ment would find the means to truly "But this is all neglecting a central ques-<br />

Amencan officials themselves." wrest control of the country. tion: Does anyone have a b<strong>et</strong>ter option?"<br />

Some papers, like Egypt's semioffi- Ih Tehran, Hamed Reza Asefi, the The New York TImes<br />


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