Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro<br />

<strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basm Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

Angry Kurdish lea<strong>de</strong>rs <strong>de</strong>l11and<br />

fe<strong>de</strong>ral state<br />

Constitution<br />

Battlelies<br />

aheadover<br />

group's status<br />

Michael Howard in<br />

Sulaimaniya<br />

lranSlt:1" of sovereigntY' in<br />

Baghdad with suspicion. "This<br />

is the only bit of Iraq that<br />

works, and that is because we<br />

are different," said another<br />

Kurdish official. "On paperwe<br />

may be part ofthe country, but<br />

we have our own language, our<br />

own government, and look after<br />

our own security. What has<br />

changed with the transfer?<br />

The real battle lies ahead over<br />

Kurdish officials warned yes- our permanent status."<br />

terday that the .unity of Iraq A permanent constitution<br />

could be at stake if the coun- will be drawn up by a national<br />

try's p,ermanent constitution assembly to be elected by the<br />

fails toenshrine Kurdish <strong>de</strong>- end of the year. The constitumands<br />

for a fe<strong>de</strong>ral state. tion must be compl<strong>et</strong>ed by au-<br />

"If Iraq is not fe<strong>de</strong>ral and <strong>de</strong>- . tumn 2005 and approved in a<br />

mocràtic, then unity cannot be referendum, after which fresh<br />

built,;' Omar Fattah, the prime elections will be held. The<br />

mini~ter of the Kurdish re- interim constitution, drawn<br />

gianal government in up by the governing council<br />

Sulaimaniya, told the last March, contained guaran-<br />

: .Guardian. "The Kurds' status tees that would formalise<br />

. in the constitution will be ab- Kurds' self-rule in the three<br />

solutely crucial to our <strong>de</strong>cadés- northern régions.<br />

long struggle for self-<strong>de</strong>termi- But the interim constitution<br />

nation:~:said Mr Fattah, who. was ignored in the new UN<br />

filled .the post left vacant by resolution. on Iraq. Kurds<br />

. Barhâm Sàlih, Iraq's new' blamed Shia groups including<br />

<strong>de</strong>puty prime minister. the influential Shia clericAya-<br />

, ' Mr Fattah's comments came tollah Ali Sistàni, who are op-<br />

: as Iraq's Kurds who have ben- posed to regional fe<strong>de</strong>ralism.<br />

efited from 13years of <strong>de</strong> facto Affronted by the failure to<br />

self-rule; gre<strong>et</strong>ed Monday's secure a Kurdish candidate for<br />

the post of Iraq's presi<strong>de</strong>nt or<br />

prime minister, the two main<br />

Kurdish lea<strong>de</strong>rs Massoud<br />

Barzanl and Jalal Talabani<br />

threatened to withdraw from<br />

central government and bar<br />

Baghdad officials from the<br />

Kurdish regio~. "We had many<br />

legitimate <strong>de</strong>mands, the simplest<br />

of which was not to be<br />

second-class citizens," Mr Fattab<br />

said. "We were <strong>de</strong>nied the<br />

leading positions in government,<br />

which was of great concern<br />

to'us."<br />

The boycott threat was later<br />

withdrawn. Mr Fattah said the<br />

Kurds, which comprise 20% of<br />

the population, would not<br />

move towards <strong>de</strong>claring in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce.<br />

He said: "We will<br />

build a relationship with<br />

Baghdad within the context of<br />

our own fe<strong>de</strong>ral state while re- ,<br />

taming an,d guaranteeing.the<br />

territorial integrity of Iraq's ,<br />

bor<strong>de</strong>rs. We are still at the very<br />

.beginning of the road, so now<br />

is the opportunity to choose<br />

the right direction."<br />

He said Barzani and Talabani<br />

had chosen' to stay in<br />

Baghdad to protect the Kurds' ,<br />

hard-won gains, and to ensure<br />

that central government<br />

would never again pose "a<br />

mortal threat to'bur existencè~<br />

. ,Despite the guarantees of c0-<br />

operation withcentral government<br />

from the Kurdish<br />

lea<strong>de</strong>rship, growing numbers<br />

of ordinary Kurds are pon<strong>de</strong>ring<br />

their <strong>de</strong>cision to commit to<br />

the "new Iraq'~<br />

Many now question how<br />

long they can be expected to<br />

remain part of the country if<br />

the instahilitythreatens to engulf<br />

their largely successful -<br />

and tranquil - region.<br />

There is wariness at the<br />

prospect of being drawn back<br />

into a central government that<br />

could be dominated by politicians<br />

from the Shia majority.<br />

Kurds have also been alarmed<br />

bythe resurfacingofanti-Kurdish<br />

sentiments among Sunni<br />

Arabs and supporters of the<br />

radical Shia cleric Moqtada<br />

al-Sadr.<br />

Radical Sunni imams In the<br />

<strong>et</strong>hnically mixed northern city ,<br />

of Mosul have praised the Feb-:<br />

ruary suici<strong>de</strong> bombings in<br />

Irbil that killed more than no<br />

people; racist graffiti inciting<br />

attacks against Kurds have appeared<br />

in Shia districts of<br />

Kirkuk, which is prized by the<br />

Kurds as the future capital of a<br />

Kurdistan region.<br />

-,<br />

.Bushvoices support for an Iraqi<br />

'martiallaw <strong>de</strong>claration<br />

By'Susan Sachs<br />

'ISTANBUL: Presi<strong>de</strong>nt George w.<br />

Bush said Monday that coalition forces<br />

in Iraqwould support a possible <strong>de</strong>cision<br />

by the new Iraqi lea<strong>de</strong>rship to <strong>de</strong>clare<br />

martiallaw to <strong>de</strong>al with escalating<br />

violence and terror attacks.<br />

"Iraqis know what we know, that the<br />

best way to <strong>de</strong>fend yourself is to go on<br />

the offensive," he said, speaking at a<br />

news conference with Prime Minister<br />

, Tony Blair of Britain. ,<br />

The two lea<strong>de</strong>rs, the main proponents<br />

of the invasion of Iraq, acknowledged<br />

that they had y<strong>et</strong> to persua<strong>de</strong><br />

many of their critics that the war<br />

was justified. '<br />

But Blair said the transfer of sovereignty<br />

to Iraqis on Monday <strong>de</strong>monstrated<br />

their commitment to fostering<br />

<strong>de</strong>mocracy in Iraq, not just ridding the<br />

country of a dictator and then occupy-<br />

ing the country.<br />

"From now on," he said, "the coalition<br />

changes. We are there in support of<br />

the Iraqi government and the Iraqi<br />

people."<br />

Iraq's new prime minister, Iyad<br />

Allawi, and other Iraqi lea<strong>de</strong>rs have said<br />

they are consi<strong>de</strong>ring stringent me,asures,<br />

including the imposition of martiallaw,<br />

to establish a modicum of or<strong>de</strong>r<br />

in Iraq and gain credibility with the<br />

Iraqi public, whose main complaint<br />

during the 14-month occupation has<br />

been a lack of security.<br />

Bush and Blair pledged continuing<br />

military support for the new Iraqi government,<br />

saying their soldiers would<br />

help 'protect public property and<br />

provi<strong>de</strong> seCurity for elections next year.<br />

Un<strong>de</strong>r the terms of a UN Security<br />

Council resolution passed this month.<br />

the multinational force now in Iraq will<br />

remain un<strong>de</strong>r U.S. command but work<br />

in coordination with Iraq's government.<br />

NATO heads of state me<strong>et</strong>ing in<br />

Istanbul on Monday also offered to help<br />

train Iraqi security forces.<br />

Bush said the Iraqi lea<strong>de</strong>rship faced<br />

extraordinary security challenges that<br />

might require tough temporary mea-.<br />

sures. In particular, he cited Abu Musab<br />

al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian blamed for organizing<br />

a series of <strong>de</strong>vastating bombings<br />

as well as the kidnapping ànd beheadings<br />

of foreigners in Iraq.<br />

An American marine, Corporal<br />

Wassef Ali Hassoun, disappeared June<br />

21 near Falluja and is believed to be in<br />

the hands of Zarqawi allies, who have<br />

threatened to kill him. Zarqawi allies'<br />

are also believed to be holding a Pakistani<br />

and three Turks.<br />

"Prime Minister Allawi, as head of a<br />

sovereign government, may <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong> he<br />

has to take tough measures to <strong>de</strong>al with<br />

a brutal cold-bloo<strong>de</strong>d killer," Bush S'aid,<br />


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