Interior 2_2006.qxd - Oftalmologia.ro

Interior 2_2006.qxd - Oftalmologia.ro

Interior 2_2006.qxd - Oftalmologia.ro


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OFTALMOLOGIA 2 - 2006<br />


The main objective of this study was to identify the prevalence of ocular manifestations in rheumatic<br />

patients admitted in a specialized clinic.<br />


Information regarding rheumatic and ocular diseases was extracted f<strong>ro</strong>m medical records system<br />

available in "Dr. I. Cantacuzino" Clinical Hospital f<strong>ro</strong>m Bucharest. The prevalence of ocular involvement<br />

reported passively by rheumatologists (ret<strong>ro</strong>spective descriptive study of 375 different cases of rheumatic<br />

patients) was compared with the literature data.<br />


There were 45 cases of ocular manifestations. Keratoconjunctivitis sicca was noted in 16 patients with<br />

rheumatoid arthritis, two patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and one patient with scle<strong>ro</strong>derma.<br />

Anterior uveitis was found in seven patients with ankylosing spondylitis, one patient with reactive arthritis,<br />

two patients with psoriatic arthritis and one patient with LES. Conjunctivitis was present in two patients with<br />

reactive arthritis. In LES ocular involvement also included four cases of retinal vasculitis. Complications clearly<br />

related to ste<strong>ro</strong>id therapy were nine cases of cataracts. One case with typical "bull's eye" maculopathy due<br />

to Hyd<strong>ro</strong>xychlo<strong>ro</strong>quine treatment was detected.<br />


The main conclusion of our study is that the rheumatic patients need to be referred to an ophthalmologist<br />

for the diagnosis and the optimal treatment of ocular involvement.<br />


• Rheumatic diseases,<br />

• Ocular manifestation .<br />


Afectiunile reumatismale reprezinta un ansamblu de boli mediate imunologic avand o multitudine de<br />

manifestari care intereseaza diferite organe si sisteme. Diagnosticarea acestora se bazeaza pe indeplinirea<br />

unor criterii stabilite de Colegiul American de Reumatologie (ACR)(1,2). Multe din bolile reumatismale sunt<br />

asociate cu manifestari oftalmologice cum ar fi conjunctivite, KCS, uveite, afectare vasculara retiniana sau<br />

leziuni neu<strong>ro</strong>-oftalmologice. Astfel, in RA apar mai frecvent KCS, episclerite si sclerite (3,4), in spondilartrite<br />

se<strong>ro</strong>negative se intalnesc adesea uveite anterioare (5,6), in timp ce leziunile vasculare retiniene si cele neu<strong>ro</strong>oftalmologice<br />

apar frecvent in LES (7,8) sau in vasculite sistemice (9,10).<br />


Lucrarea de fata si-a p<strong>ro</strong>pus determinarea incidentei si a tipului de afectare oftalmologica in randul pacientilor<br />

cu boli reumatologice internati intr-o clinica de specialitate precum si identificarea reactiilor adverse<br />

oculare asociate cu terapia administrata, rezultatele obtinute fiind comparate cu cele publicate in literatura de<br />

specialitate.<br />


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