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P-OE - UniversitätsVerlagWebler

P-OE - UniversitätsVerlagWebler

P-OE - UniversitätsVerlagWebler


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P-<strong>OE</strong><br />

A. Raaheim • Initial entry training at the University of Bergen, Norway<br />

Figure 1<br />

The presentation skills unit is somewhat different. A small<br />

group (max 8) is given extensive practical training during the<br />

first two days. All the time we use video cameras. Some presentations<br />

are to be held without any teaching aids, others<br />

are held using different teaching aids like powerpoint,<br />

overhead, blackboard, whiteboard, and others. Later the<br />

same term a representative from the Educational Development<br />

Centre visit each participant (one at a time) and video<br />

tape one ordinary (45 min) lecture. Immediately after this<br />

lecture the representative from the centre and the lecturer<br />

discuss the presentation and look at the video. Later on, the<br />

participants receive a DVD containing their lecture(s).<br />

(b) strategies and policies governing higher education in<br />

general and at the University of Bergen in particular, and<br />

(c) practical teaching sessions with peer feedback.<br />

The participants meet as a group on two occasions, each<br />

session lasting three full days. A first meeting is typically<br />

held in January, the second meeting in April/May. These<br />

meetings are held outside of the university. All costs are covered<br />

by the Educational Development Centre. The centre<br />

receives its budget (working capital) partly from the Faculty<br />

of psychology and partly from central (University of Bergen)<br />

reserves. Between meetings, the participants visit each<br />

other and “sit in” as participants listening/looking as one<br />

group member conducts his/her teaching. At the end of the<br />

session feedback is presented. This is carried out in smaller<br />

groups of 4 or 5. In order to pass, all participants have to be<br />

present 80% of the time. They have to both receive and pay<br />

a visit to the others members of their group and to receive/present<br />

feedback on the teaching. And, they have to<br />

hand in a written portfolio consisting of two texts related to<br />

the topics that have been discussed in this unit.<br />

4. Optional units<br />

The participants are asked to choose optional units after<br />

having finished the basic unit (although exceptions to this<br />

rule do happen). The 5 credits units take place at a hotel in<br />

Bergen, each unit lasting three full days; 0900-1530 each<br />

day, lunch included. After the two first days, we take a<br />

break (approximately two months), in which the participants<br />

carry out a particular task. After the break the group<br />

meets for one last day where the participants report on<br />

their experiences. In the learning and assessment unit this<br />

takes the form of a one-day conference, where the participants<br />

present a poster.<br />

Each participant is given 10 minutes to present their poster,<br />

followed by a discussion. (See picture below). In their poster,<br />

the participants present a sketch of an alternative to<br />

the existing way of assessing students. This alternative may<br />

or may not have been tested. If it has, the participants are<br />

asked to report on the experiences reported by students<br />

and staff.<br />

5. Concluding remarks<br />

Participants typically pass and are accepted as long as they<br />

are present 80% of the time. (80% attendance in each<br />

unit). In the basic unit the participants have to hand in a<br />

portfolio, on which written feedback is presented. The Educational<br />

Development Centre reports to the university administration,<br />

and it is up to the university administration<br />

and the different faculties to make sure that those who do<br />

not attend (or those who drop out) do in fact follow the full<br />

programme. All successful participants receive a certificate<br />

by the Educational Development Centre. Several hundred<br />

people have followed the programme since 1990. Although<br />

many are reluctant to take part (some are very keen!), a<br />

clear majority report (at the end) that they are very positive<br />

to the programme. Each unit is assessed by the participants<br />

(written feedback). We see it as important that the training<br />

takes place outside the walls of the university, in order to<br />

prevent people from running to and from their offices,<br />

meetings and other duties. All faculties and department are<br />

asked to make sure that individuals who take part in the<br />

programme should have a reduced teaching load for the<br />

duration of the programme. This seldom works!<br />

Figure 2<br />

• Dr. Arild Raaheim, Professor für Psychologie,<br />

Studienprogrammleiter, Studienprogramm für<br />

Universitätspädagogik, Universität Bergen/Norwegen,<br />

E-Mail: Arild.Raaheim@iuh.uib.no<br />

P-<strong>OE</strong> 1+2/2008<br />


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