08.11.2020 Aufrufe


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There were a great many waterlilies growing out in the stream,

with broad green leaves that looked as if they were floating on the

water; and the leaf that was furthest out was also the biggest of all.

To this leaf the old toad swam out and put the walnut shell with

Thumbelina on it.

Das kleine Wesen erwachte frühmorgens, und da sie sah, wo sie war, fing

sie recht bitterlich an zu weinen; denn es war Wasser zu allen Seiten des

großen, grünen Blattes, und sie konnte gar nicht an das Land kommen.

The poor little wretch woke up very early in the morning, and when

she saw where she was, she began to cry bitterly; for there was

water all round the big leaf and she couldn’t possibly get to the



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