08.11.2020 Aufrufe


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ihn heraus und brummte vor sich hin: „Ungehobeltes Volk, schneidet mir

ein Stück von meinem stolzen Barte ab! Lohn’s euch der Kuckuck!“ Damit

schwang er seinen Sack auf den Rücken und ging fort, ohne die Kinder nur

noch einmal anzusehen.

The children tried very hard, but they could not pull the beard out,

it was caught too fast.

‘I will run and get someone else’, said Rose-Red.

‘You senseless goose!’ snarled the dwarf. ‘Who would go and get

more people? Already there are two too many. Can’t you think of

something better?’

‘Don’t be so impatient’, said Snow-White. ‘I will try to think’, and

she pulled her scissors out of her pocket, and cut off the end of the

beard. Immediately the dwarf felt that he was free he seized a sack

full of gold that was hidden amongst the tree’s roots, and, lifting

it up and grumbled to himself ‘Uncouth people, to cut off a bit of

my beautiful beard, of which I am so proud! I leave the cuckoos to

pay you for what you did.’ Saying this, he swung the sack across

his shoulder, and went off, without even casting a glance at the



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