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<strong>ANTHEMIDEAE</strong><br />

Thirty-four species: temperate Asia; 35 species (23 endemic) in China.<br />

1a. Involucres straw-colored, glossy, 2–4 mm in diam.; phyllaries with colorless scarious margin.<br />

2a. Capitula 5–14, often regularly fascicled-corymbose at apices of branches; involucres cylindric<br />

or narrowly campanulate; phyllaries rigidly herbaceous, apex acute.<br />

3a. Leaf blade adaxially green, 2-pinnatisect .................................................................................................... 23. A. parviflora<br />

3b. Leaf blade gray-green, 3-parted or -lobed .......................................................................................................... 24. A. trifida<br />

2b. Capitula many, corymbose or compound-corymbose at apices of stem and branches; involucres<br />

campanulate; phyllaries herbaceous, apex obtuse or rounded.<br />

4a. Perennial herbs.<br />

5a. Involucres 6–7 mm in diam.; outer phyllaries narrowly elliptic, apices with rounded waxy<br />

appendage .............................................................................................................................................. 33. A. pallasiana<br />

5b. Involucres 2.5–4 mm in diam.; outer phyllaries ovate or lanceolate, apices without rounded<br />

waxy appendage.<br />

6a. Stem weakly branched at base, often solitary, almost herbaceous; middle and lower stem<br />

leaf blades usually bipinnate with 5–7 lobes .................................................................................... 34. A. fastigiata<br />

6b. Stem strongly branched at base, woody for much of length; middle and lower stem leaf<br />

blades usually twice ternately divided ................................................................................................ 35. A. gracilis<br />

4b. Small shrubs or subshrubs.<br />

7a. Young stems glabrous; leaf blade abaxially green or pale green, glabrous or nearly so .................... 32. A. nematoloba<br />

7b. Young stems hairy; leaf blade abaxially gray-white, appressed pubescent.<br />

8a. Leaf blade shallowly toothed to subentire, only occasionally lobed.<br />

9a. Leaf blade adaxially green or gray-green, glabrous or very sparsely pubescent; disk<br />

florets ca. 2.5 mm ....................................................................................................................... 25. A. potaninii<br />

9b. Leaf blade adaxially densely gray-white tomentose; disk florets ca. 4 mm ...................... 26. A. amphisericea<br />

8b. Leaf blade pinnatisect, pinnatipartite, 2-pinnatisect, palmate-pinnately 3–5-divided, or<br />

twice ternately divided.<br />

10a. Leaf blade pinnatisect or pinnatipartite.<br />

11a. Leaf blade pinnatisect, adaxially gray-white, densely pubescent .................................. 27. A. truncata<br />

11b. Leaf blade pinnatipartite, adaxially green, glabrous .................................................... 28. A. hypoleuca<br />

10b. Leaf blade 2-pinnatisect, palmate-pinnately 3–5-divided, bipalmatisect, or twice<br />

ternately divided.<br />

12a. Leaf blade 2-pinnatisect ............................................................................................ 2<strong>9.</strong> A. achilleoides<br />

12b. Leaf blade bipalmatisect, palmately-pinnately 3–5-divided, or twice ternately<br />

divided.<br />

13a. Leaf blade twice ternately divided .......................................................................... 35. A. gracilis<br />

13b. Leaf blade bipalmately 3–5-sect or bipalmate, pinnately 3–5-sect.<br />

14a. Leaves with divided pseudostipules ................................................................. 30. A. nitida<br />

14b. Leaves with entire pseudostipules ............................................................ 31. A. fruticulosa<br />

1b. Involucres not straw-colored, not glossy, 4–10 mm in diam.; phyllaries with dark brown or purple scarious margin.<br />

15a. Leaf blade undivided, 3-lobed, or simply pinnatisect, or pinnatipartite.<br />

16a. Leaf blade undivided, margin entire, serrate, or incised-serrate.<br />

17a. Leaf blade linear, margin entire ........................................................................................................ 1. A. salicifolia<br />

17b. Leaf blade narrowly elliptic, lanceolate, or obovate-oblong, or broadly oblanceolate, rarely<br />

linear, margin serrate or incised-serrate.<br />

18a. Subshrubs; leaves 5–10 × 0.3–4 cm, without pseudostipules, abaxially densely and<br />

thickly tomentose .................................................................................................................. 2. A. quercifolia<br />

18b. Perennial herbs; leaves 3–4.5 × 1–2 cm, with divided pseudostipules, abaxially densely<br />

pubescent .................................................................................................................................... 3. A. latifolia<br />

16b. Leaf blade 3-lobed or pinnately divided.<br />

19a. Leaf blade 3-lobed ............................................................................................................................ 6. A. alabasica<br />

19b. Leaf blade pinnately divided.<br />

20a. Leaf blade with 1 or 2 pairs of lateral lobes; lobes linear ........................................................ 4. A. variifolia<br />

20b. Leaf blade with 3 or 4 pairs of lateral lobes; lobes narrowly elliptic, lanceolate, falcate,<br />

or obliquely triangular ................................................................................................................. 5. A. ramosa<br />

15b. Leaf blade more complexly divided: 2-pinnatisect, bipalmatisect, palmate-pinnately 3–7-divided,<br />

tripinnatisect, or tripinnate, pinnately divided.<br />

21a. Small subshrubs with thick, woody rootstocks; stems 4–25 cm.<br />

22a. Capitula solitary; involucres 7–10 mm in diam. ...................................................................... 10. A. scharnhorstii<br />


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