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738<br />

<strong>ANTHEMIDEAE</strong><br />

ulate, or globose, heterogamous, disciform. Phyllaries in (3 or)4–6(or 7) series, densely pubescent or arachnoid pubescent. Bisexual<br />

florets (1–)3–12(–20); anther appendages linear or linear-lanceolate. Achenes ovoid or obovoid, subcompressed.<br />

About 100 species: arid regions of C, S, and SW Asia (including Arabian peninsula), N Africa, Europe; 31 species (six endemic) in China.<br />

Some species contain flavonoids and santonin; some are used for medicine.<br />

Molecular data (Watson et al., BMC Evolutionary Biology; http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2148/2/17/; accessed 10 Apr 2011) show that<br />

the Old World members of Seriphidium s.s. form a well-defined monophyletic group embedded within Old World Artemisia s.l. The New World<br />

members (A. sect. Tridentatae L. M. Schultz) formed a polyphyletic group distributed among New World species of Artemisia and are here excluded<br />

from Seriphidium s.s.<br />

1a. Lowermost leaves 2-ternately 3-sect, middle stem leaves ternately 3-sect (3. S. sect. Juncea) .................................. 31. S. junceum<br />

1b. Lowermost and middle stem leaves pinnatisect or pinnatipartite.<br />

2a. Leaves 2(or 3)-sect, lobules pectinate or narrowly serrate (2. S. sect. Minchunensia) ................................. 30. S. minchunense<br />

2b. Leaves 1–3(or 4)-pinnatisect, lobules narrowly lanceolate or filiform or leaves entire or lobes with<br />

orbicular serrations (1. S. sect. Seriphidium).<br />

3a. Leaves 1- or 2-pinnatipartite, lobes or lobules elliptic or ovate-elliptic, less than 5 mm, or leaves<br />

pinnatisect, lobes orbicular-serrate, or partly entire.<br />

4a. Middle stem leaves 1(or 2)-pinnatipartite, segments 3 or 4 pairs, lobes or lobules elliptic or ovate,<br />

occasionally margins 2- or 3-toothed ..................................................................................................... 8. S. scopiforme<br />

4b. Middle stem leaves pinnatifid, segments 10(–15) pairs, orbicularly lobed or leaves linear and<br />

entire ..................................................................................................................................................... 23. S. santolinum<br />

3b. Leaves 1–3-pinnatisect, lobules 5–8 mm.<br />

5a. Stems caespitose, less than 25 cm tall; capitula densely spaced along branches forming short<br />

spicate or compound capitate synflorescences.<br />

6a. Vegetative parts white tomentose; phyllaries densely gray tomentose ....................................... 25. S. rhodanthum<br />

6b. Vegetative parts gray arachnoid tomentose or pubescent, or sometimes yellowish puberulent,<br />

sometimes partly glabrescent; phyllaries pubescent to densely arachnoid pubescent.<br />

7a. Phyllaries gland-dotted .......................................................................................................... 24. S. borotalense<br />

7b. Phyllaries not gland-dotted.<br />

8a. Vegetative parts yellowish puberulent; leaf blade 0.5–0.8 cm ........................................... 27. S. grenardii<br />

8b. Vegetative parts gray arachnoid tomentose or pubescent; leaf blade 1.5–3.5(–4) cm.<br />

9a. Stems much branched and caespitose; lowermost leaves 1- or 2-pinnatisect, or<br />

subpalmately 2- or 3-pinnatisect .................................................................................... 26. S. korovinii<br />

9b. Stems less branched, not largely caespitose; lowermost leaves 2- or 3-pinnatisect.<br />

10a. Lowermost leaves ovate, 2- or 3-pinnatisect, segments (3 or)4 or 5(or 6)<br />

pairs, lobules 2–3(–4) mm, apex obtuse .......................................................... 28. S. compactum<br />

10b. Lowermost leaves suborbicular, (2 or)3-pinnatisect, segments (2 or)3<br />

or 4 pairs, lobules 3–4 mm, apex acute ...................................................... 2<strong>9.</strong> S. lehmannianum<br />

5b. Branches long or short; capitula spreading on branches, in narrow or broad panicles.<br />

11a. Lowermost leaves 2- or 3-pinnatisect; middle stem leaves 1–3-pinnatisect.<br />

12a. Branches less than 3 cm; stem, branches, and leaves arachnoid pubescent, later<br />

glabrescent; middle stem leaves with 2–5 pairs of segments; capitula in narrow<br />

panicles.<br />

13a. Stems laxly caespitose; stem and branches arachnoid pubescent or glabrescent;<br />

middle stem leaves with (3 or)4 or 5 pairs of segments, not gland-dotted;<br />

phyllaries convex ...................................................................................................... 6. S. karatavicum<br />

13b. Stems densely caespitose; stem and branches pubescent, later glabrescent;<br />

middle stem leaves with 2 or 3 pairs of segments, gland-dotted; phyllaries<br />

keeled ...................................................................................................................... 17. S. gracilescens<br />

12b. Branches more than (3–)5 cm; stem, branches, and leaves arachnoid tomentose or<br />

pubescent, or lower parts pubescent; middle stem leaves with 4–6 pairs of segments;<br />

capitula in broad or narrow and elongated panicles.<br />

14a. Lower and middle stem leaves less than 2.5 cm; branches spreading.<br />

15a. Synflorescence a narrow or somewhat broad panicle; capitula usually in<br />

groups of 2 or 3 along branchlets, ovoid-oblong or ellipsoid, ca. 2 mm<br />

in diam. ............................................................................................................ 13. S. brevifolium<br />

15b. Synflorescence a broad, much-branched panicle; capitula solitary,<br />

subglobose, 2.5–3 mm in diam. ................................................................ 14. S. thomsonianum

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