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ISA<br />

Galdr-sound:ecceeceeccee (as in “see”; sung on a steady, absolutely unwavering, tightly focused pitch,<br />

sharp and high)<br />

Letter: I<br />

(Ice) is very cold<br />

and exceedingly slippery<br />

it glistens, clear as glass<br />

very much like gems,<br />

a floor made of frost<br />

is fair to see.<br />

— Anglo-Saxon Rune Poem<br />

(Ice), we call the broad bridge<br />

the blind need to be led.<br />

Old Norwegian Rune Rhyme<br />

(Ice) is the rind of the river<br />

and the roof of the waves<br />

and a danger for fey men.”<br />

Old Icelandic Rune Poem<br />

That ninth I know if need there be<br />

to guard a ship in a gale,<br />

the wind I calm and the waves also,<br />

and wholly soothe the sea.<br />

— Havamal 155<br />

The rune isa, ice, is the elemental rune of Niflheimr. As the being of fire is energy, expansion,<br />

motion, passion, and change, so the being of ice is solidity, contraction, stillness, calmness, and<br />

unchangeability. Although Niflheimr holds the primal life-stuff of yeast and death-stuff of venom, these<br />

cannot come forth directly from the ice; it must first be melted into the rushing waters of Hvergelmir.<br />

The elemental ice shows complete immobility, which in its ultimate form is antimatter, as without<br />

the motion which holds the substance of the atom together there would be complete disintegration.<br />

However, as ice works in Midgardhr, together with the fire which is in all things to some degree, it is<br />

simply the force which slows energy and causes solidification, concentration, and density. As the rune<br />

fehu embodies warmth, fruitfulness, life-force, and conflict, so does the rune isa embody cold, barrenness,<br />

death, and still peace. The reference to the “broad bridge” in the Old Norwegian Rune Rhyme seems to be<br />

a reference to a river covered with ice, which makes a very broad bridge indeed. Seen within the shape of<br />

the Nine Worlds, it speaks of the bridge to Het the second line perhaps being a reference to blind Hodhr.<br />

You must not forget how closely Niflheimr, the realm of ice, and Hel are bound together in the Northern<br />

mind. To reach the realm of Hel, you must lower your own vibrational level; this bridge is broad because<br />

this is very easy to do and is, in fact the ordinary way of the soul after death. This maybe set against the<br />

purifying flames (intense vibration) of the narrow bridge Bifrost.<br />


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