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Rune Poem’s reference shows its being as a rune which acts both as a warder and in active combat. As the<br />

wheel, it is a shield; as a thunderbolt it is a sword. The Old Norwegian Rune Rhyme shows sowilo as a<br />

ruling power and the light of life. This rune has certain conceptual ties to elhaz; you should mark that the<br />

sun, like the valkyrja, is always feminine in Germanic thought.<br />

As well as guardianship and might the sun is also guidance, as the Anglo-Saxon Rune Poem<br />

tells. “To fare far away” is a kenning used either for death or for the journeys taken by the magician in a<br />

deathlike trance. In this case, the ocean referred to may be the waters between the worlds-the dark waters<br />

of the underworld or the personal subconscious (see laguz). The magical will is the force which brings<br />

you through the dark night of the soul and guides you living through the death-passage. In this setting,<br />

sowilo (the sun) is closely related to raidho (the path of the sun) and to laguz (the waters which must be<br />

crossed; note similarities in the Anglo-Saxon Rune Poem references). In both the shape and action of<br />

sowilo, you may also see a certain likeness to eihwaz. Eihwaz, however, is unshakable and unchangingthe<br />

will to endur~whereas sowilo is endlessly mobil~the will to act. Both are runes of transformation.<br />

Thorsson identifies sowilo with the chakras (wheels) along the length of the spine which are vitalized by<br />

the spinal fires of eihwaz.1<br />

Sowilo is used to strengthen the active, magical will, making it into an invincible and unstoppable<br />

force. Both its shielding and striking capabilities are bound up in this action; nothing can assail the fully<br />

developed will, and nothing can withstand it. The woeworking side of sowilo’s being can clearly be seen<br />

in Hitler’s SS, who used this rune in their insignia. Wrongly used, it is the rune of arrogance, cruelty, and<br />

isolation. The will itself is a neutral force, with weal and woe depending on its goals, as may be learned<br />

from both the triumphs and the terrible destruction wrought by Hitler, who consciously believed in<br />

nothing but his own will.<br />

The rune sowilo and the swastika may both be used in understanding the currents of power which<br />

swirl widdershins through the earth and deosil through the heavens, coming forth from and meeting at the<br />

poles.<br />

In ritual usage, sowilo is associated with the hammer of hallowing. Used with other runes, sowilo<br />

activates and vitalizes.<br />

Sowilo can be used with meditations on the wheels of the body (chakras). It brings out the ability<br />

for active leadership; that is, the ability to inspire others with your own will. It is not a rune for victory in<br />

the same manner as tiwaz, but it is the rune of active triumph and of warding from wounds and defeat.<br />

Tiwaz is a rune by which you may overcome others; sowilo is a rune by which you strengthen yourself.<br />

The stone most traditionally associated with sowilo is the Norse sunstone (identified as iolite by<br />

some, Icelandic spar by others) which, because of its refractive properties, was a valuable navigational aid<br />

to Norse seafarers. There is also another stone called sunstone, an orange form of moonstone which<br />

reflects light brilliantly and works well with this rune. Also appropriate to sowilo is the diamond which,<br />

like the rune, is brilliantly invincible, its very name meaning either “unconquerable” or “hardest steel.”<br />

The diamond is a great stone of warding and also brings shining might into the wheels of the body.<br />

Sowilo: Meditation<br />

You stand in a grassy field, a little way from the edge of a red sandstone cliff. Beyond the cliff, you can<br />

hear the waves beating against the rocks. A strong salt breeze blows cool around you. Gulls and terns<br />

circle overhead, calling sharply.<br />

You take a step towards the ocean and at once your way is blocked by a horde of dark figures that<br />

seem to have sprung up from the ground. They stand before you like warriors’ statues carved from black<br />

ice. They do not move until you try to step forward again; then their swords and shields are up at once. A<br />

few drops of water run off them in the sunlight, but a cloud is already moving across the sun to shield<br />

them. Without faltering, you step forward again, tracing the rune sowilo with each hand. In your left hand<br />

the rune becomes a spinning swastika-wheel of white light; in your right, it is a thunderbolt-shaped<br />

sword. You push your way through the warriors of ice. As they strike at your shield, the swords melt in<br />

their hands; when your sword touches them, they flow into pools of water, soaking into the grass.<br />

By the time you reach the wind-eaten edge of the cliff, the icy warriors have all been slain. The<br />


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