Volume 3 - Electric Scotland

Volume 3 - Electric Scotland

Volume 3 - Electric Scotland


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niGHLAND pasturaoe. 99<br />

make land arable, is the great system of improvement<br />

which the Highlands both demand and admit. Where<br />

this has been tried, as in Jura and Isla, the success has<br />

justified the expense ; but very little indeed has been<br />

done if we take the country throughout. Of lands easily<br />

susceptible of it from their disposition, and where the<br />

profit would be unquestionable, I cannot easily call to<br />

mind a better example than Lewis. The expense of<br />

drainage is, of course, the great obstacle, where want of<br />

capital is the leading bar to improvement. The necessary<br />

extent of most systems of drainage would compel the<br />

proprietor to make the improvement himself; there not<br />

being many cases where the confined powers of tenants<br />

can do more than improve the very narrow spots which<br />

they intend for cultivation. Yet there are many places<br />

where the advantage of a general drainage might be ob-<br />

tained by means even of the smallest tenants ; and without<br />

encroaching on their other avocations, as they have<br />

always much spare time. If, in the laying out of a large<br />

estate, whether in chief farms or small crofts, a system of<br />

drainage was to be designed at the same time, so that a<br />

portion of it should be rendered a duty, or corvee, on<br />

each lot, the whole would be effected with little expense<br />

or inconvenience, and without oppression ; since every<br />

individual, as well as the estate at large, would ulti-<br />

mately be a gainer, not only by his own labour, but by<br />

that of the whole, thus cooperating for a general and<br />

beneficial end. The same reasoning may be applied to<br />

plans of irrigation ;<br />

the advantages of which I have sug-<br />

gested on different occasions, when pointing out the<br />

beautiful verdure of Canna, St. Kilda, and other places,<br />

where the inclination of the land causes a perpetual flow<br />

along the surface, of that water which the clouds inces-<br />

santly discharge upon them.<br />


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