Volume 3 - Electric Scotland

Volume 3 - Electric Scotland

Volume 3 - Electric Scotland


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250 DRUIDS.<br />

creative magic that engenders a volume out of nothing;<br />

as the grey vapour which steams from the copper chest,<br />

dilatesand solidifies itself into a huge giant. Little did they<br />

think, good easy men, into what monsters their eggs<br />

were to be hatched after their death ; what Frickiuses,<br />

and Keyslers, and Tolands, and Borlases, and Vallanceys,<br />

and Smiths, and Ushers, and Campbells, and Huddle-<br />

stones, and Stukelys, were to be spawned in future times,<br />

themselves destined to vivify the casual hints of anti-<br />

quity into an universal system, unknown probably to the<br />

Arch Druid Chyndonax, or to Attius Patera Pater,<br />

himself.<br />

Wherever Druidism originated, whether before the<br />

Deluge, as some of the learned think, or in the plain of<br />

Shinar, after it, as others equally learned suppose, the<br />

fundamental principle has undergone considerable revo-<br />

lutions since first it was introduced into Britain by Samo-<br />

thes the son of Japhet. The astrology of Magus and his<br />

followers is no more. Their magic, like Mesmerism, is<br />

dead, forgotten. The schools of the Saronides are<br />

extinct. The theology, the philosophy, and the astronomy<br />

of Druiyus are vanished into thin air. The oak has<br />

ceased to grow, the misletoe has fled with it, and the<br />

sacred breed of thrushes which the Druids cultivated for<br />

its propagation, has been roasted or made into puddings.<br />

Bardns and his followers have forgotten their songs,<br />

" Cold is Cadwallo's tongue," and so is " proud Llew-<br />

ellyn's lay ;" the harp is unstrung, and the sacred groves<br />

and rocky steeps mourn their absent echoes. And as<br />

Druidism yielded to Osiris, and as the idolatries of<br />

Albin and Brute were succeeded by the preaching of St.<br />

Paul and Joseph of Arimathea and the exertions of<br />

Claudia Rufina, so the pious labours of Pudentiana,<br />

Praxides, and Novatus,gave way to the edict of Antoninus,<br />

the baptism of Lucius, and the holy toils of Eleutherus.<br />

Augustina, Palladius, Fastidius, and their followers, were

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