Volume 3 - Electric Scotland

Volume 3 - Electric Scotland

Volume 3 - Electric Scotland


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AGRICULTURE. 223<br />

all Highland peculiarities alike, are fast disappearing.<br />

But there is so little in their power, that censure could<br />

scarcel)' answer any useful end, even were it better me-<br />

rited than it really is. If they are often deserving of<br />

blame for want of activity, they cannot justly be cen-<br />

sured for what arises from ignorance ; precluded as they<br />

too often are from information or good example, and<br />

having-, in reality, no resource but to follow the imperfect<br />

practices that have descended to them from their ances-<br />

tors. If '* la coutume est un traitresse maitresse d'ecole,"<br />

as Montaigne tells us, it is not easy to see where they<br />

are to find a better. 1 believe that much of the censure<br />

in this case, is far better deserved by those whose duty<br />

and interest it equally is to enlighten them. All the<br />

people of all the world are wedded to ancient practices,<br />

and the more so in proportion to their ignorance ; since<br />

conceit and ignorance always go hand in hand. Nor<br />

do I see that the Highlanders are, in this respect, more<br />

prejudiced or more mulish than other nations: I am<br />

much inclined to think, on the contrary, that they are a<br />

docile people. Every M'here, time is diminishing the<br />

number of ancient prejudices ;<br />

and that, in an accelerat-<br />

ing ratio, as education and knowledge spread. The pro-<br />

gress of information is daily limiting these to a narrow<br />

circle; and when once ancient systems are discovered to<br />

be prejudices, their downfall is not far off. To make<br />

these things matters of reproach to the Highlanders par-<br />

ticularly, is unjust; because similar faults belong to all<br />

people and all times. And he who will candidly exa-<br />

mine the state of the country and the people, and recol-<br />

lect the short period that has passed since the very pos-<br />

sibility of improvement was entertained by them, ought<br />

rather to be surprised and pleased that so much has<br />

been done in so short a time against such a weight of

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