Volume 3 - Electric Scotland

Volume 3 - Electric Scotland

Volume 3 - Electric Scotland


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NORTH RON A. 307<br />

buscar un libro que les acode todos ; " if you could find<br />

one. You know also, I doubt not, the great man who has<br />

told us so. It is certainly an omission to be apologized<br />

for where it has happened ; since, " quando no serva de<br />

otra cosa, por lo menos servira aquel largo catalogo de<br />

autores adar de improvise autoridad al libro ; " particu-<br />

larly in this instance of the islands of spirits and mists.<br />

As to the reasons on the opposite side, you must be<br />

satisfied, for the present, with those which he has given<br />

himself; as he is an authority which you, among all men,<br />

ought not to contest.<br />

After all, which is the most idle pursuit; seeking for<br />

allegories in the puerile fables of Greece, or hunting-<br />

after true history in the fictions and tales of infant na-<br />

tions. The chase has not even the merit of novelty. The<br />

innumerable offspring of (Edipus and Hermes, the Cabiri<br />

and the Bryants of our own day, are only the followers<br />

antl imitators of the Platonists who have just gone before<br />

them ; of Vossius, and Le Compte, and Kircher, and<br />

Bochart, and Marsham, and manj^ more, themselves imi-<br />

tators of Philo and Eusebius, long ago. Nor is it only<br />

on these objects that fruitless and idle persons have ex-<br />

erted their fruitless talents, for want of better pursuits,<br />

and with fruitless results. The mysteries of Aristotle,<br />

of Pythagoras, Plato, Zoroaster, and Orpheus, the de-<br />

signed obscurities of those to whom mystery was a pro-<br />

fitable trade, among whom it was the alchemy of the day,<br />

have equally found employment for ingenuity that might<br />

have been better occupied ; and every man has dis-<br />

covered in them, as in the fables and mythologies of<br />

barbarism, precisely what he wished to find. The Re-<br />

velations have not been a more fertile source for endless<br />

application among dreaming mystics. We may find<br />

whatever we choose ; in etymology, as in every thing else.<br />

As historians discover history, so theologians have found<br />

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