Volume 3 - Electric Scotland

Volume 3 - Electric Scotland

Volume 3 - Electric Scotland


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482 coRUisK.<br />

sound of the distant cascade of Scavig, which, coming"<br />

by fits on the breeze, rendered the universal silence<br />

more impressive. At length three of the men appeared:<br />

they had gone in search of me, fearing that I was lost;<br />

and it was easy to see, by their joy at finding me, that<br />

they had been under considerable alarm. 1 had forgot-<br />

ten that the lake was considered the haunt x)f the Water<br />

Demons ; but I was soon reminded of it by the arrival of<br />

the fourth man, who came back shortly after, running<br />

as if the Kelpie had been at his heels. It was not till he<br />

found himself once inore in the boat, that he seemed to<br />

consider himself safe. " Ech !" said he, as he came to<br />

his breatli again, " this is an awfu-like place." We dis-<br />

covered that he had taken fright when he found himself<br />

left alone, and that, leaving the boat to its fate, he had<br />

set out to seek his companions. As we rowed back to<br />

our vessel, I observed an unusual silence and air of<br />

mystery among the men ; while they pulled as if an enemy<br />

had been behind them, looking about at every moment,<br />

and then at each other, till, as we gained the opener<br />

sea, their terrors seemed to disappear. But as I paced<br />

the deck afterwards, 1 overheard much serious and fear-<br />

ful talk; in which was distinguishable, among some<br />

praises of my courage, no small wonder at the ineredulity<br />

of the infidel Southron in thus venturing alone among<br />

tlie spirits ef Coruisk.<br />

In spite of all my patriotic attempts, I suspect that<br />

the knowledge of tbis place is still limited to half a dozen<br />

persons exclusive of yourself and me. But as travellers<br />

become more adventurous, and as Englishmen discover<br />

Irhat the people of Sky have the usual proportion of legs<br />

and arms, it will become known. Then the loungers<br />

and the what-thens will return angry and disappointed<br />

dinncrless, per chance, and dry within, and wet without;<br />

grumbling at their guide, complaining that it is nothing<br />


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