Volume 3 - Electric Scotland

Volume 3 - Electric Scotland

Volume 3 - Electric Scotland


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288 MARRIAGE.<br />

safety ; " tu equum habes—tu uxorem babes," since if<br />

he is never without a wife, he is equally sure of having<br />

three or four horses. That is an additional reason against<br />

riding his wife over the fords.<br />

But if there is thus much of the harmony of the num-<br />

ber two in the Highlands, it would not be amiss, consi-<br />

dering the present comparative balance of potatoes and<br />

children, if these good people would follow the matter up<br />

a little further, and stick to the harmony of the number<br />

three. It would be an act worthy of the divine Plato, if,<br />

for some time to come, he would teach them how to pro-<br />

duce but the one child necessary to complete the triangle.<br />

For the divine Plato says, (if you doubt me read his Ti-<br />

maeus,) that the object of marriage is to produce a tri-<br />

angle. Such is the harmonic law of three, imprinted on<br />

the prolongation of the universe. " Lee Grecs, qui ont<br />

6crit tant de phrases et si peu de choses" were a great<br />

people ; and Plato was greater still, as he never wrote<br />

" des phrases." They possessed some effectual schemes,<br />

it cannot be denied, for preventing the two angles from<br />

producing more than one ; but if marriages did not ter-<br />

minate in a polygon now and then, the harmony of the<br />

world, as well as of the nursery, would soon come to a<br />

close. Nevertheless, Benbecula and a few other places<br />

might profit by the Law of the Triangle. And this is<br />

called sublime, and the Timseus is philosophy. It is a<br />

fine thing to be Divine, and a Greek, and a Poet, and a<br />

Philosopher, and Plato.<br />

There is an old town of Stornoway, as well as a<br />

new one ; it is a black town, and it is black enough.<br />

The two, standing cheek by jowl, offer an admirable<br />

illustration of the misfortunes which improvements have<br />

brought upon the Highlands : not but what the anti-<br />

reformists would be glad enough to take the new fashions<br />

while they retain the old ones, to have thus the irrecon-

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