Volume 3 - Electric Scotland

Volume 3 - Electric Scotland

Volume 3 - Electric Scotland


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that I know. The cause is evident enough ; consisting<br />

in the manner in which the strata break at right angles<br />

to their planes ; whence the edges of the different beds<br />

in a series, protrude in rows of points, so as exactly to<br />

emulate that combination of zigzag lines to which they<br />

have possibly given rise.<br />

That which is here possible, is, however, far from<br />

certain ; as the chevron moulding is of a very remote<br />

origin, and may have been merely an accidental combi-<br />

nation of obvious lines. Ledwich has shown that it is<br />

found in an illuminated Syriac manuscript of the Evan-<br />

gelists, written in 586, where the Saxon arch, as it is<br />

commonly called, or the early Norman, is displayed,<br />

precisely in the form, and with many of the ornaments<br />

familiar to us, such as lozenges, nebules, and quatrefoils,<br />

as well as this one. The canopy, or the line which forms<br />

the contrasted arch, is also found in these drawings; all<br />

of them aiding to prove, and without a possibility, as it<br />

would seem, of doubt, that which was formerly said res-<br />

pecting the Oriental origin of our early ecclesiastical<br />

architecture ; while these examples prove also, that the<br />

Norman and round style was derived from the same<br />

source as the pointed, and was not an imitation or a cor-<br />

ruption of Greek or Roman architecture.<br />

The basaltic veins of this coast are the causes of the<br />

numerous caves in which it abounds. In many places,<br />

as at the Point of Sleat and in Mull, the including rocks<br />

fall away, and leave the veins, like walls, protruding.<br />

Here, on the contrary, the veins waste while the cliffs<br />

remain; and thus caves are produced. So numerous<br />

are they, that many of them have never yet been exa-<br />

mined ; and hence it is that the celebrated Spar Cave<br />

was so long unknown. Another has acquired some<br />

celebrity, as having been among the numerous places of<br />

temporary refuge to Prince Charles.

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