Volume 3 - Electric Scotland

Volume 3 - Electric Scotland

Volume 3 - Electric Scotland


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248 STONE CIKCLKS.<br />

while we can, in this way, easily account for their pre-<br />

sence, almost wherever they exist, we are unable to ac-<br />

count for them in the same manner on the Druidical<br />

hypothesis. As far as we know of the Druids, we have<br />

reason to believe that they were very limited in place,<br />

in Britain. There is no proof that they governed or<br />

existed in <strong>Scotland</strong>, though that may have been the<br />

fact; and far less any reason for thinking that they were<br />

spread over ancient Scandinavia. On the contrary, we<br />

are perfectly informed respecting the religion of this<br />

nation, and know that it was not Druidism. It must<br />

therefore follow, that the circular structures of Scandinavia<br />

were not, in any case, Druidical ; unless we<br />

choose to imagine a more ancient order of Druids in that<br />

country ; a fact of which there is no shadow of proof.<br />

It is also curious, and somewhat important, to remark,<br />

when on this question, that the Highland traditions and<br />

opinions do not attribute the Circles to the Druids. In<br />

fact, the common people appear to have no theory or<br />

tradition at all respecting this priesthood, except where<br />

they have borrowed it recently from their betters. It is<br />

the educated among them to whom we must look for all<br />

these theories ; and, in them, it has been derived from<br />

the writings of modern antiquaries. The most common<br />

opinion of the people respecting these works is, that they<br />

were Roman, and were either temples or courts ofjustice.<br />

Excepting that they are thus referred to the wrong<br />

people, this traditionary opinion coincides sufficiently<br />

with the one I am attempting to establish.<br />

It has been a leading error with these antiquaries, to<br />

find a common use for things that have had many uses.<br />

The most conspicuous and important of these have now<br />

been described, and it only remains to notice those to<br />

which none of these assigned uses seem to be applicable.<br />

I mentioned the crowds of circular buildings which are

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