Volume 3 - Electric Scotland

Volume 3 - Electric Scotland

Volume 3 - Electric Scotland


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012 NORTH »ON.\.<br />

Barra: it never had been inhabited ; nor indeed was that<br />

possible, as we afterwards discovered. At some former<br />

period, as we were told, Rona had contained five fami-<br />

lies; until an unfortunate accident produced a revolution<br />

in the island. They had possessed a boat, which they<br />

contrived to house in some cranny on the southern point;<br />

but in attempting to land, on some stormy day, all the<br />

men were drowned. Rona thus became deserted ; and,<br />

falling into the hands of a tacksman in Lewis, to which<br />

estate it belongs, was put under the present system.<br />

Such was the traditional history of North Rona, accord-<br />

ing to Kenneth Mac Cagie ; who united in his own person,<br />

the various offices of feudal sovereign, vassal, serf, and<br />

historiographer, besides many more. I ought not to<br />

have doubted Kenneth's tradition; because tradition is a<br />

touchy sort of personage ; generally claiming implicit<br />

faith for itself, and commonly also relying on the strength<br />

of Lord Peter's argument. He always reminds me of the<br />

gentleman called Oui-dire, " qui avoit la gueule fendue<br />

juses aulx aureilles, dedans la gueule sept langues, et<br />

chasque langue fendue en sept parties;" while the audi-<br />

ence '* devenoient clercs et scavants en pen d'heures, et<br />

parloient de choses prodigieuses, elegamment et par<br />

bonne memoire." I have a right however to doubt in<br />

this case; having authority against authority; Martin<br />

and Sibbald against Mac Cagie ; and as the history of<br />

this minutest of tributary kingdoms deserves at least as<br />

much respect as that of St. Marino, the most microscopic<br />

of republics, I must give it you. I have had no great<br />

opportunity as yet of showing my talents as a historian.<br />

In the year 1670, or thereabouts, North Rona was<br />

possessed by five families, each having its dwelling-<br />

house, barn, storehouse, and cattle-house. The houses<br />

then were built with stones and thatched with straw<br />

but whether built under ground or above ground, this;<br />


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