Volume 3 - Electric Scotland

Volume 3 - Electric Scotland

Volume 3 - Electric Scotland


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400<br />

'a. principle as ingenious as it was new to me, then un-<br />

skilled in Celtic navigation. Dr. Keating's Phenician the-<br />

ory must certainly be wrong*. The Queen of the ancient<br />

ocean never can have left such a progeny as this. I almost<br />

doubt ifmy own Norwegian one will hold. I explained to<br />

the men that whenever we moved we went sideways, and<br />

that when we did not go sideways we stood still. But any<br />

thing- was preferable to rowing-; and as long as the wind<br />

was blowing- the sail about, they were satisfied. " He<br />

must have a long- spoon, however, that would sup por-<br />

ridge with the deil ;" and as neither Saxon authority,<br />

Saxon money, nor Saxon arguments, seemed of any avail,<br />

the Saxon steersman was obliged to have recourse to a<br />

little nautical cunning. A grey squall was just ruffling<br />

the water a-head ; so 1 threw the boat up into the wind,<br />

brought the sail aback, and the whole apparatus, garters,<br />

skewers, blankets, broomstick, and tree, all v/ent over-<br />

board. I arrived at Loch Scavig, of course, a little before<br />

dark, just in time to put about and return, made fresh<br />

vows never to go into a Highland boat again, and spent<br />

half the night at sea.<br />

Even from a distance, the aspect of this part of Sky is<br />

very striking. The loftiness of the Cuchullin hills, which<br />

exceed 3000 feet, renders them no less conspicuous from<br />

sea, than their remarkable serrated and bold forms. Bla-<br />

ven, still higher, is equally graceful in the outline; and,<br />

as the land stretches away to the eastward, the whole<br />

mountain-group of Sky seems to form a continued chain,<br />

as diversified in composition as it is rendered remarkable<br />

by thus rising- immediately out of the water. In ap-<br />

proaching nearer, as the spiry summits of Blaven and the<br />

Cuchullin increase in height and importance, assuming<br />

those forms which we expect only in the Alps and which<br />

are so rare in <strong>Scotland</strong>, their peculiar colour adds greatly<br />

to their very bold and striking effect. I noticed formerly*

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