Volume 3 - Electric Scotland

Volume 3 - Electric Scotland

Volume 3 - Electric Scotland


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454 POLITENESS.<br />

Bedoueen Arab : yet it would be too much to say that it<br />

does not exist, and that a porter on the quays of Con-<br />

stantinople is not capable of shocking the feelings of a<br />

three-tailed Pacha. We, "nous autres," can see it in a<br />

Frenchman; less in a Spaniard; just in proportion as<br />

our knowledge of the variety is most intimate. It is<br />

equally difficult, and for similar reasons, to calculate on<br />

the manners of ancient, or of rude nations. I need not<br />

do more than allude to the remarks which I formerly<br />

made on the etiquettes, as on the fidelity, of nations in a<br />

low stage of civilization. We are as much puzzled with<br />

the manners of the Homeric age, in a different way, as we<br />

are with the politeness of the ancient Highlanders. Po-<br />

liteness, -as we understand it, was not then the fashion<br />

which, on the contrary, was to say whatever was thought,<br />

to " call a spade a spade." Their very Gods squabble<br />

and box. Yet nothing can exceed the formality of their<br />

visits and their messages : there would have been a herald<br />

and a " flourish of trumpets " to announce that Dame<br />

Partlett had laid an egg, had Achilles expected one for<br />

breakfast from the hen wife ofAgamemnon. But the sub-<br />

ject would admit of an essay, and I must bethink myself<br />

that it is not my affair.<br />

Admitting it to be true to a great extent, among the<br />

Highlanders, that they are free from vulgarity, as I be-<br />

lieve it will unquestionably be found, it is not perhaps<br />

very difficult to account for it ; and, if that account be a<br />

true one, politeness must be classed among the expiring<br />

virtues of this country. It is, apparently, the result of<br />

the ancient system of clanship ; and ill-natured people<br />

will attribute it to the servility consequent on that state of<br />

things; which has descended even to our own days,<br />

though the original bond between chief and people has<br />

been completely sundered. But it bears few or none of<br />

the marks of servility. The politeness of a Highlander<br />


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