Volume 3 - Electric Scotland

Volume 3 - Electric Scotland

Volume 3 - Electric Scotland


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16'4 POLICE.<br />

diseased republic; while our worthy Gael have also es-<br />

caped the evils for which Livy abuses their Gaulish<br />

ancestors. As to what Salisburiensis, Geraldus, and<br />

Broterus say, it would be superfluous to you, a Lawyer<br />

as well as a Poet. But I must say no more about law,<br />

lest, " vastissimis glossarum volu minibus me obruent<br />

inexpugnabiles Juristce." Only, as the world has now<br />

undergone the three conditions of being governed by<br />

Soldiers, by Priests, and by Lawyers, it seems fully time<br />

that Physic should also take its turn, and that we should<br />

at length pass under the dominion of Doctors and Apo-<br />

thecaries. Which seems about to happen. Why there<br />

are no lawyers in the Islands to teach the people how to<br />

quarrel and spend their money, is plain enough. They<br />

would not indeed find it difficult to quarrel, but they have<br />

no money to spend. Else, doubtless, they would soon<br />

learn to follow the practices of their litigious Norman<br />

brethren of Mann. It has equally been remarked by<br />

wonderinsT naturalists that there are no swallows in this<br />

country. The cause is plain : we may say of it as was said<br />

of Domitian ; a fly cannot live in Uist and Harris. It has<br />

also been said of Westminster Hall that there are no spi-<br />

ders, because it is built of Irish oak. Causa pro non<br />

causa again. There would be no lawyers there, if there<br />

were as few clients as there are flies.<br />

If the good and the evil here neutralize each other,<br />

there is a point of law of daily occurrence between the<br />

King and his insular subjects in this country, where the<br />

evil is inflicted, and the little good which the case might<br />

admit in alleviation, is withheld. This is a fiscal ques-<br />

tion ; it cannot be called a difficulty, as the remedy would<br />

not be hard to find. The Highlanders may be allowed<br />

to complain of unredressed grievances ; but let them<br />

complain of themselves; of the neglect of those repre-

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