Volume 3 - Electric Scotland

Volume 3 - Electric Scotland

Volume 3 - Electric Scotland


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pie described by Eratosthenes. Toland's views of ancient,<br />

or former, geography, will perhaps startle a modern geo-<br />

logist, when he determines that the Hyperborean island<br />

•roni which the "Druid Abaris" came, consisted of Sky,<br />

Lewis, and Uist, united into one. It would be as well if<br />

he would show how and when they were separated, with-<br />

out being heard, as well as heard of, by the successors of<br />

Abaris and Pythagoras, The history of Abaris deserves<br />

to be hunted down a little further than either Toland or<br />

Smith have pursued it. That he was a Druid Priest in a<br />

Highland dress, is proved by the Orator Himerius, though<br />

Suidas says he was a Scythian, Yet Scot and Scythian<br />

being the same thing, he is still a native of Lewis; though<br />

he was the forerunner of his countryman Anacharsis, who<br />

is of a very different country, and the son of King Scuta,<br />

who never existed. Toland has forgotten this; or, more<br />

probably, he had not read lamblicus and Diodorus; else<br />

he would not have left his tale half told. It is not diffi-<br />

cult to beat him at his own trade. The latter personage<br />

quotes Hecateeus as his authority ; and the proof that<br />

Lewis must be the island, is, that the "Hyperborean is-<br />

land" is highly fruitful and pleasant, producing two<br />

crops in a year ; as Lord Scaforth and his successors<br />

have, doubtless, experienced. From him also we learn<br />

that Lewis, since it is Lewis, was dedicated to Apollo, and<br />

that the God paid his priests a visit every fourteen years,<br />

when they amused him by showing him the rocks and<br />

mountains of the moon ;—through a telescope. Dutens has<br />

overlooked this important passage. Unluckily, antiquaries<br />

differ upon the geography of the island ; and Row-<br />

lands has clearly proved that Anglesea, and not Lewis,<br />

was the Hyperborean isle, and that Abaris is conupted<br />

by Hecatseus or Diodorus from Apreece. So that he was<br />

a Welshman, and not a Highlander. I know not how our<br />

Highland friends will submit to be thus robbed of their<br />

great Druid.

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