Volume 3 - Electric Scotland

Volume 3 - Electric Scotland

Volume 3 - Electric Scotland


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236<br />


languages, and on etymologies ;<br />

(Edipuses and Herineses<br />

without end, riddles which would trouble (Edipus himself<br />

to solve, and which Thoth, Trismegistus, Teut, Tat,<br />

Hermes, Mercury, Ermenseil, or by whatever name he is<br />

known, would be puzzled to comprehend the drift and<br />

object of. Thus have the histories of Jupiter, and Saturn,<br />

and Peleg, and the Titans, and Japhet, and the Cimme-<br />

rians, and a hundred others, been written ; and this is<br />

learning. Horace Walpole compares antiquaries to old<br />

women : a very irroverend remark.<br />

But lest you should rank me among the sisterhood,<br />

we will return to some matters of fact connected with<br />

this remarkable Circle.<br />

As far as my antiquarian reading goes, the cruciform<br />

disposition is peculiar to this one. In the smaller monu-<br />

ments indeed, of which so many distinct kinds are in-<br />

cluded under the vague term of Cromlechs, a disposition<br />

of the stones in a form somewhat resembling that of a<br />

cross, has occasionally been observed ; but in most of<br />

them, perhaps, it seems to have been the result either of<br />

accident or necessity. It is generally understood also<br />

that it was not till after the time of Constantino, or the<br />

vision of the Labarum, that the Cross became a general<br />

object of veneration. Yet it seems unquestionable that<br />

the figure of a cross was known to the Gothic nations,<br />

and also used by them, before they were converted to<br />

Christianity. As they seem to have borrowed other hie-<br />

roglyphic emblems from the east, so this seems to have<br />

been among the figures which they might have obtained<br />

in the same manner, and have also used in their monu-<br />

ments, without its being necessary to suppose that they<br />

adopted it as Christians, or after they had become such.<br />

We need not now dive into that mysticism which sup-<br />

poses that the Egyptians used this emblem as typical or<br />

prophetic. Dr. Young has shewn that the Crux ansata.

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