Volume 3 - Electric Scotland

Volume 3 - Electric Scotland

Volume 3 - Electric Scotland


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cipice, but long since separated by the injuries of time.<br />

Those immense masses of rock assume the various shapes<br />

of pinnacles and towers; and, being irregularly placed,<br />

form numerous striking combinations with the cliffs by<br />

which they are backed, and with the more distant scenery.<br />

Entangled among them, you may wander as in a labyrinth of<br />

gigantic buildings; catching, at different points, glimpses<br />

of the blue sea far below, of the distant islands, and of<br />

the misty mountains of the mainland. Often, when the<br />

clouds sailed along and rested on the high point of the<br />

Storr, the forms of walls, turrets, and spires, were seen<br />

emerging from the driving mist, as a casual breeze arose ;<br />

while again, as the summits became entangled in the<br />

drift, they seemed to rise to unknown and imaginary<br />

heights, like the visionary architecture of the supernatu-<br />

ral inhabitants of the clouds. Of those detached masses,<br />

the pinnacle called the Pote Storr is by far the most re-<br />

markable; rising to a height estimated at 160 feet, aud,<br />

but for a slight degree of curvature, resembling in its<br />

proportions a steeple of Gothic architecture. The effect<br />

of this insulated rock is very striking : no less from its<br />

height, its independence, and the elegance of its form,<br />

than from the combinations which it produces with the<br />

surrounding scenery, to the wild and gigantic architec-<br />

tural character of which it is so admirably adapted. It<br />

forms a sea-mark on this coast, well known to mariners.<br />

It might have formed a splendid Monolith for the wor-<br />

ship of Hindostan. It is lucky that Toland had never<br />

heard of it. The whole of these cliffs produce abundant<br />

and brilliant specimens of minerals highly esteemed by<br />

mineralogists ; and, most particularly, of Chabasite, with<br />

which they are absolutely filled.<br />

To the north of Ru na Braddan, the cliffs are frequently<br />

columnar, and often extend in long ranges for many<br />

miles, with an air of architectural regularity as perfect in

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