Volume 3 - Electric Scotland

Volume 3 - Electric Scotland

Volume 3 - Electric Scotland


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wo MEM. 283<br />

at Westminster school, what these better-grounded classical<br />

scholars practise. In Sicily, to this day, the women<br />

are harnessed in the mill, and a man drives them; per-<br />

petuating the ancient chivalrous usages of Magna Grsecia.<br />

To work in a mill, and to be an Aspasia or a Phryne,<br />

were the only two roads to female honours in that sub-<br />

lime country ; and which led to the highest degree, must<br />

not be told to the ladies of Stornoway.<br />

There are two modes of arguing this question of the<br />

mill and the harrow, for the fair sex ; one on the broad<br />

bottom of utility, a principle which, among many great<br />

metaphysicians, forms the basis of all morals and politics ;<br />

and the other on the principle of chivalry, which, accord-<br />

ing to another great metaphysician, is dead and gone.<br />

But I need not dilate on matters so obvious; except to<br />

remark that the chivalrous principle would be rather in-<br />

convenient in the Highlands, as there is neither time nor<br />

money to spend upon idolatry. That women were cre-<br />

ated to be looked at, is certainly a beautiful refinement<br />

on the usages of those savages who load them with more<br />

than one half of the burden. While young and pretty, it<br />

may not be very irrational ; since sun, moon, stars, roses,<br />

and picture galleries, are nothing in the comparison,<br />

Stornoway is another matter. Perhaps the division of<br />

labour is not indeed very fair here ; yet I know not that<br />

it is much otherwise. There are no horses ; a man cannot<br />

dig-, and fish, and carry peats all at once, and a family<br />

cannot go without fire. The Stornowegian may fairly<br />

say with the Italian Orpheus, *' Che faro senzaEuridice."<br />

To be sure, I have seen a great lazy fellow ride his wife<br />

across a ford ; which, I admit, does not look like civil<br />

and polished usage. Yet so much do opinions differ in<br />

the world, that it is the chartered privilege and " limited<br />

service" of the women of Holland, that they should be<br />

ridden into the boats by the other gender : and should the

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