Here - Norm's Book Club

Here - Norm's Book Club

Here - Norm's Book Club


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VAPIDLY.<br />

2. A v»pid remark, idea, feature, etc.<br />

1848 Biackw, Mae. LXIII. 266 Their pet historian.,<br />

cannot make a single speech without dragging in.. some<br />

vapidity about the Revolution Settlement. 1877 C. Grikib<br />

Christ IV, (1879) 665 Teaching, .so searching and practical,<br />

compared with the \'apidities of the Rabbis. xS8^ Pall<br />

Mall G. \\ May 7 Those upon whom the crudities and<br />

vapidities of the 'commission ' portraits. .jar.<br />

Vapidly (vce'pidli), cutv* [f. as prec. + -ly 2,]<br />

In a vapid manner.<br />

1847 in Webster. 1880 * Olid a ' Moths xx. She seemed<br />

to herself so useless, so stupidly, vapidly, frivqiously useless,<br />

x888 Th'tes 24 Sept, 9/5 If they were become simply uninteliisible<br />

or \*apidly dull, the wonder would be less.<br />

VajpidneSfl (\TE-pidn6s). [f. as prec. + -ness.]<br />

•« Vapiditt.<br />

i7t7 Bailey, Vapidiuss, deadness, flatness, palledness of<br />

liquors. i8ao Keats in Rosseiti Life (1887) 142 When once<br />

a person has smoked the vapidness of the routine of society.<br />

i8as-9 Mas- Sherwood Lady ofManor IV. xxviii. 392 The<br />

vapidness, . . the languor and vexation, which accompany the<br />

life of an unconverted man. 1907 Daily Chron, 12 Nov. 3/5<br />

Her work.. in one at two instances sinks into vapidness.<br />

Vapo-ffraphy. [In-eg. f. Vapour sb. : cf.<br />

Vaporograph.] (See quot)<br />

1898 Po^. Set. Monthly LIU. 860 The phenomena of<br />

normal physical emanations from certain substances which<br />

have the property of influencing the sensitive plate. These<br />

phenomena have been variously labeled scotography, vapognuphy,<br />

etc.<br />

vapon, obs. So. form of Weapon.<br />

Vapor, variant of Vapour.<br />

Vaporability. Also vapour-, [f. next.]<br />

Capacity of being vaporized.<br />

a 1835 McCuLLOCH Attributes xlv. (1837) III. 184 The<br />

fluidity which its own singular nature communicates and .<br />

the vapourability dependent on that.<br />

Vaporable (v/-p6rab'I).a. AIS04 vapotir(e)-.<br />

[ad. med.L. vaporabilU: see Vapoue sb. and -able.<br />

Cf. OF. vaporabU,']<br />

1, Capable of being converted into vapour.<br />

S39B Thkvisa Barth. De P. R. xi. iv. (Bodl. MS.), Heete of<br />

beuen. .drawi^ it silfe to fuUe sotellich vaporable parlies of<br />

water and of er^e. 1555 Eden Decades {P^vh.) 357 Eyther it is<br />

not of vaporable nature, or to be of smaule quantitie. 1676<br />

PhiL Trans. XI. 614 The first Beings or Embrlons of<br />

mineral salts are nothing but \'apours, or juices not concreted,<br />

totally vaporable. x68x Phil. Collect. XII. 8g By<br />

reason of the fumes Lead usually emits, being a Quick<br />

vaporable Metal. 1857 Gosse Omphalos xii. 355 There<br />

would be no deposition from atmospnere if the water had<br />

not first been carried upby evaporation ; and the vaporable<br />

fluid is obtained from the moistened soil. 1893 Pall Mall<br />

G. 12 Jan. 3/3 The vaporable parts ascending to the clear<br />

ether of heaven.<br />

t2. Capable of converting substances into<br />

vapour. Obs.<br />

i»8 Trevisa Barth. De P. R. xix. xi. (Bodl. MS.), White<br />

comeb of vapoureable aier & watry )>at is in J>e membres .<br />

for wnite comeb of bote aier & vaporable bestes be)> white<br />

vnder be wombe. 1456 Sir G. Have Gov. Princes Wks.<br />

(S.T.S.) II, ti8 The nature is mare vaporable and of better<br />

digestioun to corrump and bray the metis.<br />

tVaporary, sb. [ad. mod.L. vaporarium^ f.<br />

L. vapor vapour. Cf. L. vaporarium a steam-pipe<br />

in a bath.] A medical preparation used in a form<br />

of vapour-bath.<br />

1657 ToMLiNsoM Renou's Disp. 187 A vaporary consists<br />

of the same things a semicupium is made of. i66x Lovell<br />

Hist. Anim,

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