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She replied: “He spent practic<strong>al</strong>ly the whole night in voluntary (nail) prayers with the<br />

result that in the morning he was overtaken by sleep.”<br />

Sayyidina Umar (Radi<strong>al</strong>lahu anhu) said: “It is more preferable to me that I perform Fajr<br />

S<strong>al</strong>aah with the congregation than to spend the whole night in Ibaadah.”<br />

What a meritorious act to perform Ibaadah right throughout the night! But on the other<br />

hand Fajr S<strong>al</strong>aah with the congregation is a duty with so much more emphasis. For this<br />

reason it was in the sight of Sayyidina Umar (Radi<strong>al</strong>lahu anhu) much more preferable.<br />

There are many Ahaadeeth to the effect that the acts commanded by Shariat have their<br />

own speci<strong>al</strong> ranks (of importance, merit and preference). Neither is one <strong>al</strong>lowed to<br />

elevate any specific act in rank nor to lower it, just because we are involved in it or just<br />

because of the ndtion that in our eyes our own type of activity <strong>al</strong>one is worthy of merit to<br />

the exclusion of <strong>al</strong>l others. This type of attitude is greatly unjust.<br />

I am not trying to tell you that one is not supposed to entice, persuade, and encourage<br />

others to get involved in one’s own type of activity. What lam in fact saying is that you<br />

should never become so fanatic in stressing the importance of your field of work that you<br />

exceed the limits. The result can be that corneared to your own field you leave the<br />

impression that no obligatory act (Fard), no compulsory (Waajib) act and no excuse will<br />

be of any consequence. This should not be the case that yo begin to look upon those who<br />

do not involve themselves in your (politic<strong>al</strong>) effort as inmates of Hell, irreligious beings,<br />

infidels - for this is what I have read in newspaper articles and what has been heard in<br />

some people’s speeches. It is quite an astonishing thing that these types of accusations<br />

come even from the tongues of high-level person<strong>al</strong>ities and responsible, resepectable<br />

persons.<br />

Rasulullah (S<strong>al</strong>l<strong>al</strong>lahu Alayhi Was<strong>al</strong>lam) ‘is reported to have said: “Whosoever spreads<br />

such accusations against any man who is in fact innocent of such acts, him sh<strong>al</strong>l Allah on<br />

the Day of Qiyamat melt in the fire of hell until such time that he proves the truth of his<br />

statements.”(Durr Manthoor)<br />

Note that melting here means that he will be burnt in hell so that the blood of his body<br />

will turn to blood and pus which will continue to boil and melt. As long as he will be<br />

unable to substantiate his accusations with proof, he will not be <strong>al</strong>lowed to leave hell.<br />

Now it stands to reason that because he had said something of someone which was not in<br />

that person, how will he ever be able to prove it and gain exit from hell? In such a case he<br />

will either have to seek refuge with him whom he had f<strong>al</strong>sely accused that that person<br />

should show Mercy and forgive him or that Allah in His infinite mercy should pardon<br />

him by giving some of his good deeds to that person in exchange. If however this<br />

unfortunate soul has no good deeds (with which to barter) some of the unrighteous deeds<br />

of the accused will have to be put upon his head.<br />

Whichever way one looks at it, it will be a terrible day of great grief and sorrow. On that<br />

day one will have to stand disgraced and humiliated before him, whom yesterday one had<br />

abused and insulted.<br />

Al- Eti’da<strong>al</strong> Fi Maraatibur- Rija<strong>al</strong> 49

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