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If tubular reabsorption of substances is compromised, then less water is reabsorbed. The result is<br />

diuresis (increased urine flow) and polyuria (excess urine production). Toxic agents can cause polyuria<br />

by affecting active solute reabsorption.<br />

Tubular Secretion Active transport of certain organic compounds into the tubular fluid also occurs<br />

in the proximal tubule. There are two separate active secretory systems in the proximal tubule: one for<br />

anionic (negatively charged) organic chemical species, and a similar but separate system for cationic<br />

(positively charged) organic chemical species. The organic anion secretory system is the better studied.<br />

Organic cations such as tetramethyl ammonium are actively secreted, but this system is not as well<br />

studied as the organic anion secretory system. The two secretory systems also have unique competitors<br />

and inhibitors. Penicillin and probenecid are actively secreted by the organic anion secretory system.<br />

As a consequence, they inhibit the excretion of PAH (p-amminohippuric acid) and each other. In fact,<br />

probenicid has been used to prolong the half-life of penicillin in the blood since probenicid inhibits<br />

secretion of penicillin into the proximal tubules and its subsequent excretion in the urine. These organic<br />

anions do not inhibit secretion of organic cations or compete with them for secretion. The reverse is<br />

also true. The result is that substances reabsorbed from the tubule will have a clearance significantly<br />

less than the glomerular filtration rate (approximately 125 mL/min), while those secreted into the<br />

tubules will have a clearance greater than the glomerular filtration rate in the adult human.<br />

The Loop of Henle After the glomerular filtrate has passed the proximal tubule in the nephron, it<br />

moves into the loop of Henle. A nephron with a glomerulus in the outer portion of the renal cortex has<br />

a short loop of Henle, whereas a nephron with a glomerulus close to the border between the cortex and<br />

medulla (juxtamedullary nephrons) has a long loop of Henle extending into the medulla and papilla<br />

(Figures 6.2 and 6.3). Approximately 15 percent of the nephrons in humans are juxtamedullary. As the<br />

tubule descends into the medulla there is an increase in osmolality of the interstitial fluid. In the<br />

descending limb the tubular fluid becomes hypertonic (high in salt) as water leaves the tubule to<br />

maintain isoosmolality with the hypertonic interstitial fluid. However, in the thick segment of the<br />

ascending portion of the loop of Henle the tubule becomes impermeable to water, and sodium is actively<br />

transported out of the tubule with a decrease in the osmolality of the filtrate and an increase in the<br />

osmolality of the interstitial fluid. The sodium transport in the ascending limb is necessary for<br />

maintenance of the interstitial fluid concentration gradient. An additional 5 percent of the glomerular<br />

filtrate fluid is reabsorbed in the loop of Henle, making a total of 80 percent of the total water reabsorbed<br />

at this point.<br />

Urine Formation Once the tubular fluid enters the distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct, it is<br />

hypotonic (low salt concentration) in comparison to blood plasma because of the active transport of<br />

sodium out of the tubule at the loop of Henle. In the presence of vasopressin, the antidiuretic hormone,<br />

the collecting duct becomes permeable to water, and the water moves from the tubular fluid in order<br />

to maintain isoosmolality. However, in the absence of vasopressin, the collecting duct is impermeable<br />

to water, which results in excretion of a large volume of hypotonic urine. Normally, another 19 percent<br />

of the original glomerular filtrate fluid is reabsorbed in the last portion of the nephron, so that a total<br />

of 99 percent of the fluid filtered at the glomerulus is reabsorbed—only 1 percent of the fluid entering<br />

the nephron is excreted in the urine. Thus, the normal flow of urine is only about 1 mL/min, while in<br />

the absence of vasopressin it can be increased to 16 mL/min. The kidney’s ability to concentrate urine<br />

is determined by the measurement of urine osmolality. Urine osmolality can vary between 50 and 1400<br />

mOsm/L. Certain nephrotoxicants compromise the kidney’s ability to concentrate the urine. These<br />

changes occur early after the exposure to the nephrotoxicant and frequently foreshadow graver<br />

consequences.<br />

The excretion of urea, a metabolic breakdown product of protein, is a special case. Urea passively<br />

diffuses out of the glomerular filtrate of the tubules as fluid volume decreases. At low urine flow, more<br />

urea has the opportunity to leave the tubule. Under these conditions only 10–20 percent of the urea is<br />

excreted. At conditions where the urine flow is high, the urea has less time to diffuse through

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