The Misfits.pdf - Muzej suvremene umjetnosti Zagreb

The Misfits.pdf - Muzej suvremene umjetnosti Zagreb

The Misfits.pdf - Muzej suvremene umjetnosti Zagreb


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Magazine Gorgona. 1961-1966 Ivan Koarit's concepts. albeit chiefly in the<br />

(Julije Knifer. Marijan Jevovar) form of "models" and "sketches'', titled<br />

Unusual Projects (1960), the project of making<br />

a cast of the interior of public spaces, objects,<br />

which "painting is reduced to an endless repetition even heads of famous people (1963) 11, are a<br />

of signs"2 represented as a two-colored, most often rebellious statement of a need to change one's<br />

black and white meander, may be said to be a own environment, even if only in a poetic<br />

very clear conceptualization of the reduction tone. Koarit proposed the project of Slicing Mount<br />

and repetition method.8 Only with the devel- Sljeme of giant proportions, naturally, never real-<br />

opment of conceptual art in the second half of ized. But the sculptures such as Segment of a River<br />

the 1960s, and even later. in the 1980s and (1959), which imitates the surface of a stream, or<br />

1990s, Knifer's method was to focus more on Inner Eyes (1959/60), closest to the concept of cast-<br />

the conceptual and less on the painterly prob- ing the interiors, are equally absurd. 12<br />

lem. A similar delay in reception and apprecia- Back to the subject of staying power of a work of<br />

tion happened to the Gorgona group (1959- art and its relevance, let us review Mladen<br />

1966) of which Knifer was a member. A shift Stilinovit's emblematic post-conceptual work An<br />

from the art practice of the late 1950s, domi- Artist Who Cannot Speak English Is No Artist. Made<br />

nated by established versions of abstract art, in 1992. soon after the fall of the Berlin Wall, this<br />

into no-art was recognized by a broader criti- work related not only to Croatian artists, but to<br />

cal and art audience only 10 or 15 years later. numerous artists from all ex-socialist countries that<br />

And in the early 1960 the Gorgona introduced tried to reach the developed West in order to<br />

an entirely new model of artistic action. It achieve their dreams.13 <strong>The</strong> cynicism permeating<br />

consisted of meetings. hanging out together as this and almost all Stilinovit's works, back to the<br />

a "form of creative and spiritual discharged°, 1970s, hits the spot with an almost incredible accu-<br />

motivated purely by intellectual and spiritual racy. This work openly expresses doubts as to a<br />

alliances. while Gorgona, as defined by speedy and smooth inclusion into the art scene<br />

VaniSta, "seeks neither work nor results in art" which is dominant in the world (Anglo-Saxon). Since<br />

and "speaks of nothing. It is undefined and Stilinovit's work, as usual, functions on several lev-<br />

indeterminable". This togetherness generated els. on one level he cynically predicts that preju-<br />

concepts and projects, sometimes quite "con- dices and stereotypes such as "picturesque exotic"<br />

ceivable" and feasible, but often purely ana- East and "perfectly civilized" West will not be so<br />

lytic-critical and not really meant to be carried easily quenched. Although made ten years ago, this<br />

out.<br />


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