The Misfits.pdf - Muzej suvremene umjetnosti Zagreb

The Misfits.pdf - Muzej suvremene umjetnosti Zagreb

The Misfits.pdf - Muzej suvremene umjetnosti Zagreb


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Co "Iv Art<br />

is an NGO founded by Aleksandar Battista Ilic, Ivana Keser and Tomislav Gotovac in <strong>Zagreb</strong>, 2001.<br />

<strong>The</strong> following four pages edited and designed by IVANA KESER<br />

"All local issues may be classified into those con-<br />

cerning race, class and sexuality. That is what art<br />

deals with today: the planetary dimension with<br />

regional consequences: the sum of local frustrati-<br />

ons. This social dimension is not something new;<br />

it has simply prevailed over the visual, together<br />

with which it made up the art of preceding cen-<br />

turies. Since the stage of abstraction was adopt-<br />

ed in the early 20th century, what is now required<br />

of the individual is that he or she should not be<br />

passive, but that he or she should take part in ra-<br />

ising, understanding, and solving local issues,<br />

since, as has already been mentioned, there are<br />

always and only local issues, and global issues<br />

are the product of local ones."<br />

I.K. / Local - Global, <strong>Zagreb</strong> - Rotterdam, 1996<br />

"Svi lokalni problemi dijele se na rasu, klasu i<br />

seksualnost. To je ono dime se danas bavi urnjetnost:<br />

planetarnom dimenzijom s regionalnim<br />

posljedicama: zbrojem lokalnih frustracija. Ova<br />

socijalna dimenzija nije nita nova, ona je samo<br />

prevladala vizualnu, $ kojom je zajedno inila<br />

umjetnost prethodnih stoljea. Kako je laza apstrahiranja<br />

ve usvojena poetkom 20. stoljeda,<br />

sada se ad jedinke trai da ne bude pasivna,<br />

ve da sudjeluje u postavljanju, razumijevanju i<br />

rjeavanju lokalnih problema, jer, kao to je ve<br />

naznaeno, postoje uvijek i samo lokalni problemi,<br />

a globalni su proizvod lokalnih."<br />

I. K.<br />

Lokalno - Globalno, <strong>Zagreb</strong> - Rotterdam, 1996<br />

Is community a thing which exists apart from us?<br />

Or is it something that we are part of?<br />

Or is it something that we do together?<br />

jrn109.."<br />

Indoctrination 2000/2001<br />

Indoctrination is a work in progress, an invitation for the audience. <strong>The</strong><br />

public is invited to leave its messages, thoughts, doubts, and frustrations<br />

with or without,ire. Indoctriantion is a dialogue with a public where<br />

public asks the qtiestions and leaves the answers. So, the work starts with<br />

just a few messages which I left at the opening and it<br />

should be accomplished with the touch of public.

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