Hazar World - Sayı: 19 - Haziran 2014

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harekete geçmişken seçim yapılmasının<br />

“olağan bir durum olmadığını” ve<br />

“Ukrayna’nın Afganistan olmadığını” öne<br />

sürdü. Lavrov, ayrıca, Ukrayna hakkında<br />

yeni görüşmeler yapmanın bir kısır döngü<br />

olacağını belirtti ve bunun yerine Kiev<br />

hükümetinin ve Batı’nın Nisan ayındaki<br />

görüşmede üzerinde anlaşılan hususları<br />

uygulaması gerektiğini kaydetti. Rusya<br />

Devlet Başkanı Vladimir Putin, Rusya’nın<br />

Ukrayna’da yapılacak Cumhurbaşkanlığı<br />

seçimlerinin sonucuna saygı göstereceğini<br />

açıkladı. Putin, “Biz nihayet durumun<br />

sakinleşmesini istiyoruz. Ukrayna halkının<br />

tercihine saygıyla yaklaşıyoruz.<br />

Gelişmelere bakacağız” dedi. Putin, seçimlerde<br />

büyük endişe ve kaygı uyandıran<br />

Ukrayna sınırında konuşlanmış 40.000<br />

civarındaki Rus askeri birliklerini geri çektiklerini<br />

açıkladı. Ancak, NATO Genel<br />

Sekreteri Rasmussen ise çekilmeye dair<br />

ortada bir işaret olmadığını ifade etti. Putin<br />

açıklamasında Ukrayna’nın NATO’ya olası<br />

02<br />

Lugansk’ta Rus yanlısı<br />

militan, devlet binası<br />

önünde nöbet tutuyor.<br />

02<br />

In Lugansk, a pro-Russian<br />

militia keeps guard before<br />

the governmental building.<br />

ble response of Russia to the “muscle game”<br />

of the West could directly lead to a disaster.<br />


Forty-eight year old Poroshenko is known<br />

as the seventh richest man in Ukraine with<br />

his fortune of 1.3 billion dollars. As the<br />

owner of the confectionery chain Roshen,<br />

Poroshenko is known as the ‘Chocolate<br />

King’ whose political experience is quite<br />

advanced. Executing important duties,<br />

including the duty of Foreign Minister, pro-<br />

West Poroshenko sends out different messages<br />

about Russia. Although he had clearly<br />

declared his desire to have Ukraine as a<br />

NATO and EU member, he also stands out<br />

as a figure who has nurtured relations with<br />

Russia due to economic bonds. Providing<br />

regions with more authority to decrease the<br />

tension in the East was one of Poroshenko’s<br />

election promises. At the same time, he supports<br />

the unity of Ukraine.<br />

Some independent political observers in<br />

Moscow claim that a secret deal has been<br />

made between Poroshenko and the Kremlin.<br />

It is observed that they support<br />

Poroshenko’s opinion according to which<br />

Ukraine will remain in the status of a country<br />

standing at an equal distance to both<br />

Russia and Europe. Looking from the<br />

Kremlin side, before the presidential elections<br />

that will be held on May 25 in Ukraine,<br />

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov<br />

asserted that it was “not an ordinary situation”<br />

to hold elections while the army was<br />

acting against the people, and said<br />

“Ukraine is not Afghanistan”. Further,<br />

Lavrov stated that it would be a vicious circle<br />

to hold new negotiations about Ukraine<br />

and noted that the Kiev government and<br />

the West had to implement the matters on<br />

which an agreement was reached during<br />

the negotiations in April. Russian President<br />

Vladimir Putin stated that Russia would<br />

respect the outcome of the presidential elections<br />

to be held in Ukraine. “We finally<br />

want the situation to resettle. We respect<br />

Ukrainian people’s choices. We will follow<br />

the developments.” said Putin. Putin<br />

expressed that they withdrew almost<br />

40,000 Russian troops located near the<br />

Ukrainian border which caused great concern<br />

and worry at the elections. However<br />

Secretary General of NATO, Rasmussen,<br />

stated that there was no sign of withdrawal.<br />

Mentioning the probable NATO membership<br />

of Ukraine in his speech, “Ukraine<br />

may become a member of NATO tomorrow,<br />



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