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126 2. Tutorial<br />

In[30]:= oscillatorMNA2 = CircuitEquations[oscillator,<br />

AnalysisMode −> Transient, ElementValues −> Symbolic,<br />

InitialConditions −> All];<br />

DisplayForm[oscillatorMNA2]<br />

Out[31]//DisplayForm=<br />

I$L1t C1 V$1 ′ t V$2 ′ t ⩵⩵ 0,<br />

V$2t<br />

C1 V$1 ′ t V$2 ′ t ⩵⩵ 0, V$1t L1 I$L1 ′ t ⩵⩵ 0,<br />

R1<br />

I$L10 ⩵⩵ 0, V$10 V$20 ⩵⩵ 0.002, V$1t, V$2t,<br />

I$L1t, DesignPoint L1 0.00001, C1 3. 10 7 , R1 1.<br />

Note that this time the time-domain equations contain not only the initial condition for the<br />

capacitor C1 (given by the node voltage difference V$1[0] V$2[0]) but also an initial condition for<br />

the inductor current I$L1[0]. Now, we compute the DC operating point and the transient response<br />

by applying NDAESolve.<br />

Finally, we plot the output current.<br />

In[32]:= NDAESolve[oscillatorMNA2, {t, 0.}]<br />

Out[32]= V$1 0.002, V$2 0., I$L1 0.<br />

In[33]:= transient2 = NDAESolve[oscillatorMNA2, {t, 0., 10^−4}]<br />

Out[33]=<br />

V$1 InterpolatingFunction0., 0.0001, ,<br />

V$2 InterpolatingFunction0., 0.0001, ,<br />

I$L1 InterpolatingFunction0., 0.0001, <br />

In[34]:= TransientPlot[transient2, {I$L1[t]}, {t, 0., 10^−4},<br />

PlotRange −> All]<br />

0.0002<br />

0.0001<br />

0.00002 0.00004 0.00006 0.00008 0.0001 t<br />

I$L1[t]<br />

-0.0001<br />

-0.0002<br />

-0.0003<br />

Out[34]= Graphics <br />

Please note the different transient waveforms dependent on the usage of initial conditions.

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