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Index SinWave — Transistor models 509<br />

SinWave, 446<br />

examples for, 447<br />

Small-signal analysis, 284<br />

Small-signal model, BJT, 478<br />

Diode, 467<br />

JFET, 498<br />

MOSFET, 145, 487<br />

Solve, 74, 255<br />

examples for, 255<br />

Solving, ACAnalysis, 284<br />

NDAESolve, 292<br />

NoiseAnalysis, 287<br />

Solve, 255<br />

SortingMethod, option for<br />

ApproximateMatrixEquation, 143, 396<br />

Sources, stimuli for two-port calculations, 158<br />

Sparse tableau analysis (STA), 77<br />

extended sparse tableau analysis (ESTA), 78<br />

SparseTableau, option value for Formulation, 77, 236<br />

Spectre, option value for Simulator, 431<br />

SquareMark, marker style for options PoleStyle and<br />

ZeroStyle, 89, 355<br />

STA (sparse tableau analysis), 77<br />

Stability analysis, 85<br />

Starting Analog Insydes, 434<br />

StartingStepSize, option for NDAESolve, 123, 300<br />

Statistics, 279<br />

examples for, 281<br />

StatusLine, option value for Protocol, 430<br />

StepSizeFactor, option for NDAESolve, 123, 300<br />

Stimulus sources, 158<br />

StripIndependentBlocks, option for<br />

ApproximateMatrixEquation, 397<br />

option for CompressMatrixEquation, 401<br />

option for CompressNonlinearEquations, 410<br />

Subcircuit, definition of, 192<br />

expanding, 55, 223<br />

generic selectors, 54<br />

global and local definitions, 63<br />

global database for, 64<br />

inspecting subcircuit database, GlobalSubcircuits,<br />

216<br />

local overrides, 65<br />

parameters, 58, 59<br />

passing parameter values to, 62<br />

redefining global subcircuits, 65<br />

referencing, 52<br />

removing, RemoveSubcircuits, 65, 220<br />

translation of parameters, 67<br />

Subcircuit, 49, 190, 212<br />

option for netlist entries, 47<br />

SweepParameters, Analog Insydes data format, 282<br />

option for TransientPlot, 361<br />

SweepPath, option for ACAnalysis, 286<br />

option for NoiseAnalysis, 289<br />

Symbolic, option for CircuitEquations, 239<br />

option for ExpandSubcircuits, 224<br />

option for netlist entries, 43, 185<br />

option for source value specification, 187<br />

option value for ElementValues, 81, 236<br />

parameter for Model, 200<br />

Symbolic approximation, complexity problem, 130<br />

design point specification, 138<br />

introduction, 130<br />

methods, 135<br />

of expressions, 135<br />

of linear circuits, 130, 387<br />

of linear equations, ApproximateMatrixEquation,<br />

137<br />

of nonlinear circuits, 403<br />

of nonlinear equations, CancelTerms, 412<br />

Symbolic expressions, approximation of, 132<br />

Symbolic solving, Solve, 255<br />

TestFrequency, option for ApproximateDeterminant,<br />

328<br />

TextSizing, option for DXFGraphics, 423<br />

TextStyle, option for DXFGraphics, 423<br />

ThicknessFunction, option for DXFGraphics, 424<br />

Time, 188<br />

Time variable, 107<br />

Time-domain analysis, 106<br />

TimeConstraint, option for Statistics, 280<br />

TimeVariable, option for CircuitEquations, 240<br />

Tolerance, option for ApproximateDeterminant, 329<br />

option for LREigenpair, 318<br />

option for MatchSymbols, 277<br />

TraceNames, option for BodePlot, 335<br />

option for NicholPlot, 345<br />

option for NyquistPlot, 349<br />

Transfer function, approximation,<br />

ApproximateTransferFunction, 135<br />

complexity, ComplexityEstimate, 132<br />

example application, 165<br />

plotting gain vs. phase, NicholPlot, 87, 344<br />

plotting magnitude and phase, BodePlot, 83, 332<br />

plotting real vs. imaginary part, NyquistPlot, 85,<br />

347<br />

TransferFunction, 461<br />

Transient, mode option for source value specification,<br />

187<br />

option value for AnalysisMode, 232, 295<br />

Transient analysis, 292<br />

example circuit, 108, 110<br />

initial conditions, 123<br />

introduction, 106<br />

procedure, 118<br />

Transient waveforms, 91, 358<br />

TransientPlot, 108, 358<br />

examples for, 361<br />

options description for, 127, 359<br />

Transistor models, 145

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