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70 2. Tutorial<br />

An advanced application of such a parameter translation scheme would be the calculation of transistor smallsignal<br />

parameters from given operating-point voltages and currents via a set of predefined device equations.<br />

Alternative Ways to Assign Values to Parameters<br />

In combination with the Parameters setting there is one further useful application of the argument<br />

Translation. Specifying a translation rule for a symbol which is also designated as a parameter of<br />

the same subcircuit definition allows us to choose whether we let the instance value of the symbol be<br />

calculated from other parameters or whether we assign a value to this symbol directly. For example,<br />

let’s add the transconductance gm to the list of model parameters while leaving the translation rule<br />

for gm unchanged:<br />

<br />

Parameters −> {RB, beta, gm},<br />

Translation −> {gm :> Transconductance[beta, RB]},<br />

<br />

The value field of a reference to the transistor model can now be written in two alternative ways.<br />

Just as in the previous subsection we can assign values to RB and beta only and let Analog Insydes<br />

calculate gm from the two quantities automatically. Alternatively, we can bypass the translation rule<br />

by directly assigning a value to gm, such as gm −> 0.5. Any value given for beta is then effectively<br />

ignored because it is not needed anywhere else than in the argument list of the translation rule. In<br />

the netlist below, we let gm$Q1 be computed from RB and beta by means of the translation rule. In<br />

the case of Q2, however, we do not specify a value for beta but make a direct assignment to gm:<br />

gm −> gm2. Therefore, the parameter translation function Transconductance is not called for gm$Q2:

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