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2.5 Graphics 87<br />

NyquistPlot Options<br />

NyquistPlot inherits its plot options, which are accessible through<br />

Options[NyquistPlot], from Mathematica’s standard function ListPlot. See the Mathematica book<br />

for detailed explanations of these options. NyquistPlot has additional options like, for example<br />

FrequencyScaling which controls the spacing of the frequency points at which the transfer function<br />

is sampled. FrequencyScaling can be set to Linear or Exponential, resulting in equidistant or<br />

exponentially spaced sampling points respectively. The default is Exponential.<br />

2.5.3 Nichol Plots<br />

Yet another method of visualizing frequency responses is Nichol’s chart. A Nichol plot is similar to<br />

a Nyquist plot but shows gain on a logarithmic scale (dB) vs. phase on a linear scale (degrees), with<br />

an axis origin at the point dB ∘ . The advantage of Nichol’s chart is the ease by which gain<br />

and phase margins can be determined graphically. The gain margin is simply the negative value of<br />

the gain axis intersect. The phase margin is equal to the distance between the axis origin and the<br />

phase axis intersect.<br />

Nichol charts are computed by the function NicholPlot (Section 3.9.3). The argument sequence is<br />

the same as for NyquistPlot (Section 3.9.4) or BodePlot (Section 3.9.1).<br />

Let’s use a Nichol chart to determine the gain and phase margins of a system which is characterized<br />

by the following transfer function.<br />

In[9]:= H3[s_] := 20*(3 + s)/(s*(5 + s)*(20 + 5*s + 2*s^2))<br />

We draw a Nichol chart of H3[I w] for an angular frequency Ω varying from sec to sec .<br />

Again, we increase the number of plot points to produce a smooth curve.<br />

In[10]:= NicholPlot[H3[I w], {w, 0.1, 5.},<br />

AspectRatio −> 0.8, PlotPoints −> 100]<br />

dB<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

-360 -300 -240 -120 -60 0 deg<br />

-5<br />

-10<br />

-15<br />

-20<br />

Out[10]= Graphics <br />

Now, in order to read off the margins better, we zoom in on the part of the curve located in the<br />

fourth quadrant.

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