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2.3 Circuits and Subcircuits 69<br />

{VC, {"B", "E", "C", "E"}, beta / RB}<br />

So why should we use translation rules at all The answer is that parameter value translations can<br />

also be specified by means of delayed rules, i.e. the RuleDelayed lhs :> rhs instead of the Rule<br />

lhs −> rhs. Since delayed rules are left unevaluated until the very moment they are needed, their<br />

right-hand sides also contain calls to external functions which perform calculations depending on<br />

the model parameter values. For instance, let’s define a function which, given values for beta and<br />

RB, calculates the transconductance of a transistor by solving the formula gm RB ⩵ beta numerically<br />

for gm, using gm ⩵ as initial guess.<br />

In[30]:= Transconductance[b_Real, r_Real] :=<br />

Module[ {g},<br />

Print["Computing gm for beta = ", b, " and RB = ", r];<br />

g /. FindRoot[g * r == b, {g, 1.0}]<br />

]<br />

By means of a delayed translation rule for gm we can instruct Mathematica not to execute the function<br />

call at the time the transistor model is defined but to wait until the rule is used to compute gm for a<br />

particular subcircuit instance.<br />

In[31]:= Circuit[<br />

Model[<br />

Name −> NPNTransistor,<br />

Selector −> ACgm,<br />

Scope −> Global,<br />

Ports −> {"B", "C", "E"},<br />

Parameters −> {RB, beta},<br />

Translation −> {gm :> Transconductance[beta, RB]},<br />

Definition −><br />

Netlist[<br />

{RB, {"B", "E"}, RB},<br />

{VC, {"B", "E", "C", "E"}, gm}<br />

]<br />

]<br />

] // ExpandSubcircuits;<br />

If we had used an immediate rule above, gm −> Transconductance[beta, RB], Mathematica would<br />

have already called Transconductance with the symbolic arguments beta and RB at the time<br />

of model definition. On the other hand, the delayed rule permits Analog Insydes to replace the<br />

arguments with instance-specific values before making the function call. This is done once per<br />

subcircuit instance as can be seen from the following output:<br />

In[32]:= ExpandSubcircuits[darlNumParams] // DisplayForm<br />

Computing gm for beta = 150. and RB = 400.<br />

Computing gm for beta = 50. and RB = 100.<br />

Out[32]//DisplayForm=<br />

Netlist Flat, 6 Entries:<br />

I1, 0, 1, 1<br />

RB$Q1, 1, 3, 400.<br />

VC$Q1, 1, 3, 2, 3, 0.375<br />

RB$Q2, 3, 0, 100.<br />

VC$Q2, 3, 0, 2, 0, 0.5<br />

Load, 0, 2, Type Resistor, Value RL, Pattern Impedance

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