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270 3. Reference Manual<br />

You can set arbitrary<br />

options with arbitrary<br />

values.<br />

In[7]:= SetDAEOptions[dae,<br />

Comment −> "This object describes a rectifier circuit"]<br />

Out[7]=<br />

AnalysisMode Transient,<br />

BranchCurrentPrefix I$, BranchVoltagePrefix V$,<br />

ControllingCurrentPrefix IC$, ControllingVoltagePrefix VC$,<br />

ConvertImmittances True, DesignPoint <br />

V0 2. Sin1000000 t, R1 100., C1 1. 10 7 , AREA$D1 1.,<br />

BV$D1 ∞, GLEAK$D1 0, GLEAKSW$D1 0, GMIN 1. 10 12 ,<br />

IBV$D1 0.001, IS$D1 1. 10 14 , ISW$D1 0, PERIM$D1 0,<br />

RS$D1 0, TEMP 300.15, TNOM 300.15, $k 1.38062 10 23 ,<br />

$q 1.60219 10 19 , CD$D1 0, CJO$D1 0, CJSW$D1 0,<br />

ElementValues Symbolic, Formulation ModifiedNodal,<br />

FrequencyVariable s, IgnoreMissingGround False,<br />

IndependentVariable t, InitialConditions None,<br />

InitialGuess I$AC$D1 0, V$1 V$2 0,<br />

InstanceNameSeparator $, MatrixEquation True,<br />

ModeValues , NodeVoltagePrefix V$, Symbolic All,<br />

TimeVariable t, Value None, InitialTime 0.5,<br />

Comment This object describes a rectifier circuit<br />

3.6.12 GetDesignPoint<br />

GetDesignPoint[dae]<br />

GetDesignPoint[dae, param]<br />

returns the design point stored in dae<br />

returns the value of the parameter param from the design<br />

point stored in dae<br />

GetDesignPoint[dae, {param <br />

, param <br />

, † † † }]<br />

returns the value of each parameter param i<br />

Command structure of GetDesignPoint.<br />

Given a DAEObject dae, GetDesignPoint returns the design point list stored in the object. If a<br />

symbol is given as a second argument, the value of the corresponding parameter stored in the design<br />

point is returned. If the second argument is a list of symbols, a list of the corresponding parameter<br />

values is returned.<br />

Note that GetDesignPoint differs from GetParameters in that it returns the complete design point<br />

stored in dae and not only those parameters which appear in the equations of dae.<br />

See also: GetEquations (Section 3.6.5), GetMatrix (Section 3.6.6), GetVariables (Section 3.6.7),<br />

GetRHS (Section 3.6.8), GetParameters (Section 3.6.9), GetDAEOptions (Section 3.6.10).<br />

Examples<br />

Load Analog Insydes.<br />


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