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2.2 Netlists 45<br />

{VCC, {1, 0}, Type −> VoltageSource, Value −> VCC}<br />

Pattern<br />

The Pattern option (see Section 3.1.4) can be used only in conjunction with two-terminal immittances,<br />

i.e. impedance and admittance elements such as resistors (Section 4.2.1), conductances (Section 4.2.2),<br />

capacitors (Section 4.2.5), and inductors (Section 4.2.6). With this directive you can explicitly choose<br />

whether the contribution of an immittance element to a system of modified nodal equations is<br />

entered into the matrix using the fill-in pattern for admittances or the pattern for impedances. The<br />

two associated values of the Pattern option are Impedance and Admittance.<br />

When setting up modified nodal equations, Analog Insydes automatically converts impedance<br />

elements such as resistors into their admittance equivalents in order to keep the matrix size as<br />

small as possible. In other words, a resistor with the value R will be treated as an admittance<br />

with the value R and will be entered into the modified nodal matrix using the fill-in pattern<br />

for admittances (see the example in Section 2.2.3). However, if we are interested in computing the<br />

current through a particular resistor it would be better to use the fill-in pattern for impedances<br />

as this would augment the MNA system by the corresponding branch current. So if we want to<br />

calculate the load current of the above-mentioned amplifier using the MNA formulation we would<br />

have to select the impedance pattern for the load resistor in order to introduce the branch current<br />

I$Load:<br />

{Load, {out, 0}, Type −> Resistor, Value −> RL,<br />

Pattern −> Impedance}<br />

Let’s experiment with some value-field options using the CCCS circuit from Section 2.2.2 (see<br />

Figure 2.7). We replace the resistor RL by a variable load type and select the fill-in pattern for<br />

impedances.<br />

In[15]:= cccsCircuit2 =<br />

Netlist[<br />

{V0, {1, 0}, V0},<br />

{RB, {1, 3}, RB},<br />

{CM, {1, 2}, CM},<br />

{CC1, {3, 0, 2, 0}, beta},<br />

{Load, {2, 0}, Type −> loadtype, Value −> loadval,<br />

Pattern −> Impedance}<br />

]<br />

Out[15]= NetlistRaw, 5 <br />

We choose a resistive load with the symbolic value RL and set up the MNA equations. Due to the<br />

Pattern directive, the load current I$Load now appears as an additional variable for which we can<br />

solve directly.

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