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2.6 Modeling and Analysis of Nonlinear Circuits 97<br />

equations cannot be set up in matrix form. Therefore, whenever a netlist contains behavioral models,<br />

you must call CircuitEquations with the option MatrixEquation −> False, or as in our case,<br />

you need to switch the AnalysisMode to e.g. DC for setting up nonlinear static equations which<br />

automatically implies the setting MatrixEquation −> False.<br />

In[5]:= dnwmna = CircuitEquations[diodeNetwork,<br />

AnalysisMode −> DC];<br />

DisplayForm[dnwmna]<br />

Out[6]//DisplayForm=<br />

V$1 V$2<br />

V$1 V$2<br />

I$V0 <br />

⩵⩵ 0, I$AC$D1 <br />

⩵⩵ 0,<br />

R1<br />

R1<br />

<br />

V$1 ⩵⩵ V0, I$AC$D1 ⩵⩵ 1 V$2<br />

Vt Is$D1,<br />

V$1, V$2, I$V0, I$AC$D1, DesignPoint <br />

Here, we have set up a system of nonlinear modified nodal equations in the unknowns V$1, V$2,<br />

I$V0, and I$AC$D1. The latter symbol has been created automatically from the port current identifier<br />

Current[A, C] in the definition of the diode model. All port branch voltages have been replaced<br />

by corresponding differences of node voltages.<br />

Generally, a port current Current[x, y] in a model instance MX will be denoted by symbols of the<br />

form I$xy$MX. A port voltage Voltage[x, y] will be denoted by V$xy$MX, provided that branch<br />

voltages appear as unknowns in the selected analysis method. To examine both effects we set up<br />

the sparse tableau equations.<br />

In[7]:= CircuitEquations[diodeNetwork,<br />

Formulation −> SparseTableau, AnalysisMode −> DC<br />

] // GetVariables<br />

Out[7]= V$V0, V$R1, V$AC$D1, I$V0, I$R1, I$AC$D1<br />

We use the command GetVariables (Section 3.6.7) to extract the list of variables from the equation<br />

system. As you can see, the corresponding variables are called V$AC$D1 and I$AC$D1<br />

Solving Nonlinear Equations<br />

Solving nonlinear circuit equations analytically is, unfortunately, mathematically impossible in the<br />

general case. However, in many applications it is possible to reduce the original set of equations by<br />

eliminating a number of variables. This may already yield some qualitative insight into the behavior<br />

of a nonlinear circuit. On the other hand, we can always assign values to symbolic parameters and<br />

solve the equations numerically using NDAESolve (Section 3.7.5).<br />

Let’s derive an expression which relates the diode current<br />

I$AC$D1 to the input voltage V0 by eliminating all other variables. For this task, Analog Insydes<br />

provides the function CompressNonlinearEquations (Section 3.12.2) which removes equations and<br />

variables from a nonlinear DAEObject that are irrelevant for solving for a set of given variables. The<br />

option setting EliminateVariables −> All additionally allows for eliminating variables that occur<br />

linear somewhere in the equations.

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