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388 3. Reference Manual<br />

Define an AC model for<br />

BJTs.<br />

This netlist describes a<br />

common-emitter amplifier.<br />

Set up a system of<br />

symbolic AC equations.<br />

Compute the complexity<br />

estimate.<br />

In[2]:= Circuit[<br />

Model[<br />

Name −> BJT,<br />

Selector −> AC,<br />

Scope −> Global,<br />

Ports −> {B, C, E},<br />

Parameters −> {Rbe, Cbc, Cbe, beta, Ro,<br />

RBE, CBC, CBE, BETA, RO},<br />

Definition −> Netlist[<br />

{CBE, {B, E}, Symbolic −> Cbe, Value −> CBE},<br />

{RBE, {X, E}, Symbolic −> Rbe, Value −> RBE},<br />

{CBC, {B, C}, Symbolic −> Cbc, Value −> CBC},<br />

{CC, {B, X, C, E},<br />

Symbolic −> beta, Value −> BETA},<br />

{RO, {C, E}, Symbolic −> Ro, Value −> RO}<br />

]<br />

]<br />

] // ExpandSubcircuits;<br />

In[3]:= ceamplifier =<br />

Circuit[<br />

Netlist[<br />

{V1, {1, 0}, 1},<br />

{V0, {6, 0}, 0},<br />

{C1, {1, 2}, Symbolic −> C1, Value −> 1.0*^−7},<br />

{R1, {2, 6}, Symbolic −> R1, Value −> 1.0*^5},<br />

{R2, {2, 0}, Symbolic −> R2, Value −> 47000.},<br />

{RC, {6, 3}, Symbolic −> RC, Value −> 2200.},<br />

{RE, {4, 0}, Symbolic −> RE, Value −> 1000.},<br />

{C2, {3, 5}, Symbolic −> C2, Value −> 1.0*^−6},<br />

{RL, {5, 0}, Symbolic −> RL, Value −> 47000.},<br />

{Q1, {2 −> B, 3 −> C, 4 −> E},<br />

Model −> BJT, Selector −> AC,<br />

CBE −> 30.*^−12, CBC −> 5.*^−12, RBE −> 1000.,<br />

RO −> 10000., BETA −> 200.}<br />

]<br />

]<br />

Out[3]= Circuit <br />

In[4]:= eqs = CircuitEquations[ceamplifier,<br />

ElementValues −> Symbolic]<br />

Out[4]= DAEAC, 10 10 <br />

In[5]:= ComplexityEstimate[eqs]<br />

Out[5]= 132<br />

The number returned by ComplexityEstimate indicates that solving the equations for any transfer<br />

function is feasible, but the result cannot be expected to yield much insight into circuit behavior.

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