Contents Telektronikk - Telenor

Contents Telektronikk - Telenor

Contents Telektronikk - Telenor


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102<br />

According to our plans rerouting and circuit<br />

reservation will be implemented in<br />

1995, while the implementation of<br />

Dynamic Alternative Routing is planned<br />

for 1996.<br />

At present, the work indicated in chapter<br />

10 is continued in order to make optimal<br />

use of protection mechanisms in the<br />

physical network and its main user<br />

PSTN/ ISDN. A review of the<br />

dimensioning rules is part of this work.<br />

As this article indicates, optimal grade of<br />

service during failure is a complex subject<br />

involving traffic theory, both physical<br />

and logical network structure and<br />

physical routing as well as traffic routing.<br />

A major part of the problem is also the<br />

evaluation of lost traffic. However, as the<br />

models and the parameters used are not<br />

very accurate and the cost ratio work/<br />

equipment is increasing, emphasis should<br />

be put on simple models with defined<br />

interfaces between the physical and logical<br />

network.<br />

References<br />

1 Parviala, A. Optimering av små overflow<br />

vior. Nordic teletraffic seminar,<br />

Helsinki, 1982.<br />

2 Songhurst, D J. Protection against<br />

traffic overload in hierarchical networks<br />

employing alternative routing.<br />

I: 1st international network planning<br />

symposium, Paris, 1980.<br />

3 Pettersen, H. Dirigering i fjernnettet<br />

: en simuleringsstudie. Kjeller,<br />

Norwegian Telecom Research, 1988.<br />

(TF-report 53/88.)<br />

4 Ash, G R, Huang, B D. Comparative<br />

evaluation of dynamic routing strategies<br />

for a worldwide intelligent network.<br />

I: 14th international teletraffic<br />

congress, ITC 14, France, 1994.<br />

S<br />

S<br />

Appendix 1<br />

A simple model for circuit<br />

reservation<br />

We will describe the properties of circuit<br />

reservation through a simple model. Two<br />

traffic streams A1 and A2 are offered a circuit<br />

group of N circuits. The traffic<br />

stream A1 is given priority by reserving<br />

the last R free circuits for this traffic. This<br />

means that call attempts from A2 are congested<br />

when the number of free circuits<br />

are equal to or less than R. When the traffic<br />

streams are Poisson processes, e.g.<br />

with exponential inter arrival times and<br />

holding times, the traffic process can be<br />

described by the state diagram in Figure<br />

A1. The following symbols are used:<br />

h mean holding time for calls (seizures)<br />

of both type 1 and 2 (this<br />

simplifies the model, but is not<br />

necessary)<br />

s1 mean arrival rate for call attempts<br />

of type 1<br />

s2 mean arrival rate for call attempts<br />

of type 2<br />

s total arrival rate, s = s1 + s2 A1 traffic offered of type 1 (A1 = s1h) A2 traffic offered of type 2 (A2 = s2h) A total traffic, A = A1 + A2 = sh<br />

pj the probability of being in state j,<br />

that means there are j simultaneous<br />

calls leaving N-j circuits free.<br />

In the state diagram a transition to the<br />

next higher state occurs when a call arrives.<br />

When a call terminates, a transition to<br />

the next lower state takes place. The<br />

arrival process is constant (s1 + s2 = s)in<br />

all states, however calls of type two are<br />

congested in the last R + 1 states of the<br />

diagram, the termination rate (number of<br />

calls terminating per time unit) is proportional<br />

to the number of ongoing calls.<br />

In the state diagram the number of transitions<br />

per time unit between two neighbour<br />

states must in average be the same<br />

S<br />

S 2 S 2 S 2 S<br />

0 1 2 N-R-1 N-R N-R+1 N-1 N<br />

1/h 2/h (N-R)/h (N-R+1)/h N/h<br />

Figure A1 State diagram for one-level circuit reservation with two Poisson arrival processes with negative exponential holding times<br />

S 1<br />

in both directions. Thus, we have the following<br />

equations:<br />

p11/h = p0s p1 = p0sh = p0A p22/h = p1s p2 = p1sh/2 = p0A2 /2!<br />

.<br />

.<br />

pjj/h = pj-1s pj = p0Aj /j!<br />

.<br />

.<br />

pN-R (N-R)/h pN-R = pN-R-1s = p0AN-R /(N-R)!<br />

pN-R+1 (N-R+1)/h pN-R+1 = pN-Rs1 = p0AN-RA1 /(N-R+1)!<br />

.<br />

.<br />

pN N/h pN = pN-1s1 = p0AN-RA R<br />

1 /N!<br />

By using the normalising equation<br />

N�<br />

j=1<br />

pj =1<br />

the state probabilities may be explicitly<br />

determined<br />

⎧<br />

⎨N−R<br />

� � � j<br />

p0 =1/ A /j!<br />

⎩<br />

+<br />

j=1<br />

j=0<br />

R� �<br />

A N−R A j<br />

�<br />

1 /(N − R + j)!<br />

⎫ ⎬<br />

⎭<br />

The congestion for traffic stream A1 is<br />

calculated directly as B1 = pN . The congestion<br />

for traffic stream A2 is calculated<br />

as<br />

N�<br />

B2 =<br />

j=N−R<br />

pj<br />

In the case of no reservation, R = 0, the<br />

formulas are, as expected, the same as<br />

Erlang’s 1st formula:<br />

B1 = B2 = pN = � A N /N ! � /<br />

S 1<br />

N� � �<br />

j<br />

A /j!<br />


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