Contents Telektronikk - Telenor

Contents Telektronikk - Telenor

Contents Telektronikk - Telenor


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oth the traditional ack-based and the<br />

“new” rate-based protocols, the transport<br />

system flow classes can be defined as:<br />

- Constant bit-rate flow class (CBR)<br />

- Variable bit-rate flow class (VBR)<br />

- Transaction flow class (AAMt )<br />

- Block-transfer stream flow class<br />

(AAMs )<br />

- General connection flow class<br />

(AAMc ).<br />

Figure 5.2 illustrates the application and<br />

transport system flow classes defined and<br />

also the relationship between these<br />

classes and the specified ATM system<br />

flow classes defined within the present<br />

B-ISDN QoS framework. The unspecified<br />

QoS class is not included in Figure<br />

5.2.<br />

5.2 Application-oriented QoS<br />

service<br />

The OSI QoS parameters are QoS requirement<br />

and QoS data parameters. The<br />

ISDN performance parameters are QoS<br />

parameters, traffic parameters and NP<br />

parameters. These definitions are not<br />

consistent. A slightly changed definition<br />

is therefore used, where QoS parameters<br />

comprise QoS requirement and traffic<br />

flow parameters abbreviated to Q- and Fparameters<br />

respectively. We then have:<br />

Q-parameters: For the definition of<br />

QoS requirements for<br />

individual information<br />

units<br />

F-parameters: For the definition of the<br />

overall structure of the<br />

traffic flow pattern.<br />

Q (N),S ,F (N),S<br />

The index “S” indicates service, the<br />

index “P” indicates protocol. An additional<br />

index (N) indicates<br />

(N)-layer. See Figure 5.3.<br />

For a general (N)-layer,<br />

(N)-layer protocol entity<br />

Q (N),P ,F (N),P<br />

(N)-layer protocol entity<br />

the following questions<br />

must be answered:<br />

Q (N-1),S ,F (N-1),S<br />

- Is there an externally<br />

defined (N)-service?<br />

What is the (N)-layer<br />

Figure 5.3 The F- and Q-parameters related to a layer<br />

internal structure of flow<br />

classes, and what is the<br />

external visibility of<br />

Average<br />

these classes?<br />

Cell<br />

Frame<br />

- Are the (N+1)-layer<br />

10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 1 10 102103 F (N+1),P-parameters presented<br />

to the (N)-layer?<br />

If so, are the (N+1)-<br />

Time resolution (sec) layer parameters related<br />

Figure 5.4 Time regions<br />

to an (N+1)-layer or an<br />

(N)-layer flow class?<br />

66<br />



C D<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

Figure 5.2 Layered flow class functionality<br />

2<br />

3/4 5<br />

3<br />

4<br />

Application<br />

flow classes<br />

Transport system<br />

flow classes<br />

ATM system<br />

service classes<br />

AAL<br />

protocol types<br />

ATM layer<br />

QoS classes<br />

- Similarly, are the Q (N+1),P -parameters<br />

related to an (N+1)-layer or an (N)layer<br />

flow class?<br />

For the transmission-oriented ATM QoSservice<br />

the (N+1)-layer states the functionality<br />

it wants, based on knowledge<br />

about the (N)-layer internal flow class<br />

structure. The (N+1)-layer declares its Fand<br />

Q-parameters with reference to an<br />

(N)-layer flow pattern model. The alternative<br />

application-oriented QoS-service<br />

is to let layer (N+1) declare which flow<br />

class it represents and also its F-parameters<br />

based on the pattern of its own declared<br />

class. The external (N)-layer functionality<br />

can optionally be specified. For<br />

B-ISDN, a simpler ATM system flow<br />

class structure than the one illustrated in<br />

Figure 5.1 is then made possible.<br />

Knowledge of the nature of the (N+1)layer<br />

traffic pattern can be useful within<br />

the (N)-layer, both for traffic handling<br />

functionality and traffic load estimations.<br />

Using the (N+1)-layer flow pattern as the<br />

reference for the service will conserve<br />

knowledge about the application traffic<br />

pattern. This can also give the (N)-layer<br />

the possibility to utilise the freedom<br />

caused from lack of one-to-one mapping<br />

between the two flow classes. For ATM,<br />

traffic shaping based on cell spacing can<br />

be applied, utilising the freedom defined<br />

in the application and transport system Fand<br />

Q-parameters ([3], [4]).<br />

5.3 Time regions<br />

In a 160 Mbit/sec ATM network, the<br />

duration of a cell is 2–3 msec. The time<br />

resolution region related to the duration<br />

of single cells and sequences of cells is<br />

defined as the cell time region. Neither<br />

the applications nor the transport system<br />

will in the general case be able to operate<br />

in the cell time region. This fact is one of<br />

the reasons for defining various time<br />

regions to be used as a dimension for<br />

characterising the Q- and F-parameters<br />

and also the traffic handling functionality.<br />

In addition to the cell time region, the<br />

frame and the average time regions are<br />

introduced. The corresponding cell,<br />

frame and average processes describe the<br />

activities in the related time regions (Figure<br />

5.4).<br />

The average process is the flow pattern<br />

related to a pre-defined average interval<br />

in the order of seconds or higher. The<br />

concept frame is a generalisation of the<br />

concept video-frame, which is typically<br />

between 25 and 40 msec. A frame is a<br />

significant application-related quantity

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